Crashed pretty hard

Had another really extreme mood swing, annoying as I'd had a great week. Hitting various bottles, but I know it's still under weekly (joys of picking an easy goal).

It's not a full moon which is my usual trigger, so I guess it's just pressure from my course, job, union role and being a carer again. I can hide it most of the time, but I'm too weak to keep my guard up 24/7, at least it's not like I try and end myself anymore.

I know this forum isn't about helping mentally ill trash like me, but how do you handle the bad days? I can't see any option other than crawling into a hole until it goes away.



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I start by facing up to it and accepting whats happened, nothing wuiill change that. Log it, get ready to make better choices and also learn from the experience. I never beat up on myself.

    Chill out its only one episode and your journey will include many of them so keep going. 21bs is very little, so be patient and see it in perspective.
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks man,

    It was never about the weight; if anything I'm going against the grain as my dad and granddad were both huge, muscular guys; I started getting the same in college football and hated how it slowed me down so fought against it. Right now I'm trying to keep the BF% down physically, and stop feeling like a drain on society mentally, I'm my own worst enemy, but seeing as I don't have a circle of friends I end up getting wasted and bitching on the internet, pissing everyone off and I hate that. I'm just trying to stay positive.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Had another really extreme mood swing, annoying as I'd had a great week. Hitting various bottles, but I know it's still under weekly (joys of picking an easy goal).

    It's not a full moon which is my usual trigger, so I guess it's just pressure from my course, job, union role and being a carer again. I can hide it most of the time, but I'm too weak to keep my guard up 24/7, at least it's not like I try and end myself anymore.

    I know this forum isn't about helping mentally ill trash like me, but how do you handle the bad days? I can't see any option other than crawling into a hole until it goes away.


    Not to offend, but are you under any sort of mental health treatment?
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I crash all the time. The best way to get over it (for me) is to make my best guesses about the damage I did, log it, put it away, and make amends the very next meal. It has to be over RIGHT AWAY. I use the MFP weekly reporting features to show me what my average is daily over a week so I can see that my weekly average wasn't shot--it's almost always still below my TDEE. My favorite quote is from the Weight Watchers forums: "If you trip on one step, you don't throw yourself down the flight of stairs."
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Not to offend, but are you under any sort of mental health treatment?

    Nope, a) NHS services don't exist here for my demographic, and b) It took 10 years for someone to give me a chance at a job (despite being valedictorian) with just Aspergers, add any sort of depression diagnosis to that and I'm back to square one.

    Ironically I'm a support worker so my 9-5 is picking people up and pushing them to be all they can, I just can't apply it to myself. Same goes as I'm a carer for my fiancée; she's on track for a PhD position, I'm jepordising my MPhil to get her there.
    rockmama72 wrote: »
    Ze Stuffs

    I've already got a "Log it, *kitten*!" post it next to to empty cans, it's more balancing my brain than my belly :s