Looking for Friends to encourage each other

Hello. I'm getting back to my fitness and feel motivated. I've just celebrated my 50th birthday and really want the rest of my life to not carry this extra weight around. I want to feel good and know that I look alright too. I'm tired of not fitting in my beautiful clothes. I'm tired of knowing that I don't look great. I can really feel my weight keeping me back from being more active.

I'm an emotional eater and have been my whole life. I'd love to lose a little over 30 lbs and keep it off. Anyone need friends?


  • Frostygirl2790
    Frostygirl2790 Posts: 65 Member
    I too am back on this journey, for the last time. I will be 50 this year and want to get under 200. So I have about double the weight to loose. I read your post and it sounds like a mirror image if myself except I have a little more to go then yourself. Feel free to add me I log daily too. I just started back to walking do to back and ankle injuries in the past. I used to go to the gym and do Zumba, and some weights but those days are far off. I focus mostly on healthy foods and water intake and try to get 10,000 steps a day.