Trouble re-booting

Wow 2 months since I last signed in. Having a hard time re-booting. It's been a very busy time. Mandatory overtime for the last 6 -8 weeks. And our daughter moved out a month ago So we are truly empty nesters now. I've been in survival mode. I haven't gained any but I certainly haven't been on track. And we gave a presentation on healthy living for a support group last week. Why is consistency so hard!

I have never had this much trouble getting back on track!

Anybody else been here? Done this.

Add to that allergies that have been out of control. They finally seem to be easing up and now my hands have eczema. There's always something.

Hubby and I have been doing a short A.M Yoga dvd in the a.m. but that's more for sanity and not weight loss.

I need to get back in the groove of daily treadmill or walking outside if I ever want to do 5k 10k races again.

Feeling frustrated.