Help with Calorie Allowances, TDEE and eating back exercise Calories



  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    edited May 2015
    So I just want to make sure this is clear - and make sure I'm not confused or my reasoning is off.

    I'm not using the MFP method to calculate my numbers. What I did is I calculated a TDEE using an assumption of a sedentary level of activity (e.g., that I don't exercise at all). Yes, my BMR is about 2000 - but I figure I don't use that as my base number because without formal exercise, one is still active (even it if it is sitting on a couch, or at a computer).

    So, using the above assumption, my TDEE is about 2400. Therefore, I figure it is appropriate to (if I choose) eat my exercise calories back - which in my case is running 5-6 times per week.

    I'm six foot three, 41, weight 225 pounds for anyone who is interested. I set my net daily caloric goal at 1812 (representing a 25% caloric deficit from my TDEE as described above).

    Today, I ate 2159, and I burned 753. I have 406 calories remaining, which I have no desire to eat back.

    Does my math and reasoning check out?
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    DrEnalg wrote: »
    So I just want to make sure this is clear - and make sure I'm not confused or my reasoning is off.

    I'm not using the MFP method to calculate my numbers. What I did is I calculated a TDEE using an assumption of a sedentary level of activity (e.g., that I don't exercise at all). Yes, my BMR is about 2000 - but I figure I don't use that as my base number because without formal exercise, one is still active (even it if it is sitting on a couch, or at a computer).

    So, using the above assumption, my TDEE is about 2400. Therefore, I figure it is appropriate to (if I choose) eat my exercise calories back - which in my case is running 5-6 times per week.

    I'm six foot three, 41, weight 225 pounds for anyone who is interested. I set my net daily caloric goal at 1812 (representing a 25% caloric deficit from my TDEE as described above).

    Today, I ate 2159, and I burned 753. I have 406 calories remaining, which I have no desire to eat back.

    Does my math and reasoning check out?

    It sounds like you're essentially using the NEAT method, which is what MFP uses. Given that, why not just let MFP calculate it for you? Put in your stats, set your activity level to sedentary, and your weight loss goal to 1lb/week. You should get similar numbers to what you calculated, with the added benefit of MFP doing all the recalculating for you as you lose.

    If the numbers are very different, there's probably a calculation error somewhere.

    Remember that no calculator on earth can actually accurately guess your exact TDEE. For one thing, TDEE isn't a set number; it's a different number each day because you move a different amount each day. For another, any algorithm or formula is only taking a guess at what your numbers are, based on population statistics.

    The only way to know if it's working for you is to try it. If you are losing weight at the expected rate, great. If you are losing too fast or too slow (over, say, 6-8 weeks) then adjust upwards or downwards as necessary.