Newbie and in Need of Motivational & Supportive Friends

Hello everyone,

Im Nikki from New Jersey. I currently work full time and have two wonderful kids. Two years ago I was 5'7 160 and wasn't happy with my weight then. Life side tracked me a few times with things and now I'm 182. I am always sick and tired and I'm sick and tired of that! Looking to make new friends to help keep each other on track. My friends could care less about losing weight. They are either skinny with no need to, bigger but doesn't stick with anything or happy with the skin they're in. That is perfectly fine and I love them all the same but I need people with similar goals and willing to help each other get to where we need to be.

My goal is to get back down to that 160. Once there then I will set new goals. I am currently 22lbs away. My nutritional goals are to eat better by eliminating mostly sugars and carbs. Trying out a high protein low fat diet, if that is what you call it. Similar to south beach phase 1 just not as stringent. Anything else you want to know, hit me up! Looking forward to meeting you all and making lifetime fitness friends. :)


  • jackilynh
    jackilynh Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Nikki! I have 3 kids. 12 months after i had my youngest I plateaued at 175 and decided I want to be the best me I can be! SO, here I am down to 156 , I still have 20lbs to go, but I feel AMAZING! i too am doing a low carb (no bread, pasta, or starches) I completely cut out soda too. I cant wait to shred more weight with you! Good luck on your journey!
  • kadeebabyyy
    Hey Nikki :) my goal weigh is 160 too! I've never been happy with my body and after I had my son its been an even bigger battle, but I am ready to make changes for real. It's always a lot easier with support and motivation friends So if you ever need some extra encouragement just message me :)
  • treezy83
    treezy83 Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome my goal weight is 150. I've been working at it since January. I was 180 and now down to 160.10 more ibs. We all can do it together. I have 3 kids and work fulltime also. I push myself to workout everyday. Once you get in the grove it gets easier.Good luck on your journey.