I have never tried to lose weight before!!!

...and I don't even know where to begin u_u; ??? I'm really confused about everything in general, like, why is just GETTING UP to go exercise the hardest part about exercising? And WHY IS IT that the harder I try NOT to eat crap, the more I end up craving it? Does anyone have any tips for a beginner??? I seriously feel like I don't even know where to start. Help!


  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    Well, I would say start off slow and ease your way into everything first. What type of excerise's are you doing to start off with?
  • hexgirlfriend
    I was going to the gym every night w/my boyfriend. We were just doing cardio by running, stretching, and then we'd just sort of mess around on the machines. I don't really know what I'm doing at all, but I figured, at least I was moving around instead of sitting at home! Now, I don't even really exercise, but I'm trying to get back into it, which is why I joined.
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    Running is a good start to exercising. We all start out that way one way or another. What are your goals that you want to accomplish?
  • hexgirlfriend
    I don't know. I guess, realistically, the only reason I really feel like losing weight is to fit into certain clothes that I want to buy, from certain stores that don't carry larger sizes. I also want to be healthier, too, more athletic, like a beast. I want to feel stronger and have more energy. I think I'm a size 14 right now? But I want to get back down to a size 10, maybe even a size 8. But idk, because I'm also pretty tall, so I'm not sure how thin my body can get.
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    There is nothing wrong with that. Most of us want to try fitting into certain clothes. How tall are you?
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    ...and I don't even know where to begin u_u; ??? I'm really confused about everything in general, like, why is just GETTING UP to go exercise the hardest part about exercising? And WHY IS IT that the harder I try NOT to eat crap, the more I end up craving it? Does anyone have any tips for a beginner??? I seriously feel like I don't even know where to start. Help!

    Hahaha! I always say the hardest part of my workout is getting up off the couch.

    Here is a link to a height and weight chart: http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm
  • hexgirlfriend
    I'm around 6'. So, I should just start running and the rest will come to me? I know nothing about exercise, or dieting, or basically anything healthy. I've pretty much always been a lazy slob watching t.v. and eating ice cream for dinner.
  • hexgirlfriend
    Also, I weigh around 180. I don't know how much weight I can drop. I'm unsure of the size of my "frame". When I was in highschool, I weighed 140, and I've been slowly gaining ever since. But, you know, I'm 23 now, I'm not 15 with no boobs or hips or anything else, so I have no idea what my ideal weight should be? I'm going to try for 160, I think, for now.
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    Well, running is a part of it. But there are other types of cardio that will benefit you as well. I am 5'9" and 203 pounds. I have spent the past 13 years in the Army. I have learned that doing the same thing over and over doesn't necessarily bring weight loss. I have to watch what I eat, do a variation of different types of cardio, and consistently change my weightlifting program to keep my muscles constantly shocked. What is the ideal weight you would like to get to?
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    That is a good goal to start out with. If you dedicate yourself to it, you can make that weight. I can help give you some ideas of what you can do to kick start yourself into motion.
  • hexgirlfriend
    What kinds of ideas?
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    well, first, ya have to be dedicated to getting what you want out this. The other is to look into what type of exercises are you wanting to do. i can give you several workouts that may help you start towards your goals. you can add me as well if ya want.
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    I started by deciding to only do Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD (available online), but really doing it every day. It's only 20-30 minutes so there's no room for any excuses. After a week I just felt like I could do more, so I started going for long walks, then I added some elliptical. Right now I'm still doing the DVD, but I also go jogging or biking every day.

    If you crave sweets so much you know you can't do without them, then just plan your entire day ahead and make room for those sweets. Eat them as a reward after exercise :)
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    Circuit training, HIIT training, and the use of treadmills and elliptical machines would be a good start. Plus using certain exercises to tone your body as well while you use the weight would be beneficial as well.
  • hexgirlfriend
    Maybe I will find a video to do at home, or maybe take a class at the gym? Does anyone have any experiences with 24 hour fitness gym classes? Are they fun/worth it? If not, I'll just download some good workout videos. :P Any suggestions, aside from the one you just mentioned?

    And thanks for the advice on the sweets... it's not even just "sweets", tbh, I'm addicted to straight up JUNK food. nfskjdfhskjfhds. It's something I know I need to work on, but it's hard to undo a lifetime of poor dieting.
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    P90X, Insanity, Jillian Michaels Workouts, Bob Harper workouts, or any good workout videos that will keep you heart at a constant level would work very well.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Well you have come to a good place. Welcome.

    Yes, it can all be overwhelming. There are as many opinions about the how, ,the what, and the why as there are people. It can be frustrating, and maddening. And you know what? We have ALL been there where you are. Every single one of us. You are not alone. Take things slowly. Read as much as you can. Try to see what makes sense to you.

    As far as the gym, do they have a program for beginners. Most gyms I know have trainers who can walk you through some of the basic equipment, maybe sit down with you, go over some goals, talk with you about some ideas. Does your gym have anything like that? But running, or walking, is always a good place to start.

    But as far as weight loss, in spite of all the fad diets, the exotic exercise programs, and all the billions and billions of dollars spent on marketing of everything from equipment to clothes to food to supplements, it all comes down to simple math: if you take in more calories than you expend, you gain weight. If you burn calories than you take in you lose weight. It's all that simple. Logging what you eat and figuring out what you burn is the key. And MFP can help you get half way there.

    Ask questions here. People will help you here. And support you on the journey.

    Good luck.