Fat Burners? Trouble zones wont go away!

Hi everyone,

I have the 'last few pounds' sticking around. Actually, I wouldnt even care about the weight so much if it was muscle. Some fat refuses to let me get tight on my belly under the button only, and the couple inches under the butt on my thighs. Ive been doing strength training with a good focus on my lower body (squats etc) for about 3-4 months, and have increased how much I can lift and (grr) my arms are looking like they gained size and shape, but this lower zone jiggle just sticks. Doing some cardio too. (see diary)

I bought some JetFuel Superburn. It made me super jittery at first and nauseous, but now I can take 1 pill about 1-2 hrs before workout and its ok. Sometimes Ill take one earlier in the day as well. I dont want to up it to the suggested 3 twice a day because it already gives ma a bit jolt and caffeine can agitate my colitis. Still, havent seen much change. Any thoughts on these pills? Any advice in general for these trouble spots?


  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/jetfuel-superburn-recalled-after-health-canada-tests-find-undeclared-drug-ingredients-286781581.html <----that is all I know about "those pills." Sounds terribly unsafe.

    The last few pounds should respond to a slight calorie deficit, coupled with weight training, over a period of time (months).
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    You cannot spot reduce and unfortunately may carry some fat in certain areas regardless of how low your body fat goes. The best you can do is to eat high quality food, keeping your calories at a slight deficit. Lift heavy to build muscle. If you’re patient and persistent, you should see some fat loss and some reduction in those areas. Just don’t expect miracles and don’t think a pill is the answer.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Lift heavy weights and be patient.
  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    Thermogenics (fat burners) are generally a waste of money. They do help, but the effect is minimal and is primarily from caffeine, which is much cheaper on its own.

    You might want to try Yohimbine hcl, there's only been 1 study showing its effects for weightloss, but I enjoyed it. Maybe you just burn the extra calories from bedroom cardio with it. :p
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    You cannot spot reduce and unfortunately may carry some fat in certain areas regardless of how low your body fat goes. The best you can do is to eat high quality food, keeping your calories at a slight deficit. Lift heavy to build muscle. If you’re patient and persistent, you should see some fat loss and some reduction in those areas. Just don’t expect miracles and don’t think a pill is the answer.
    Pretty much this. Getting your body fat % down to athletic numbers will reveal more lean muscle and definition, but many people can't retain that look for a long period of time. And even if you get down to those levels and still have some fat left, there may not be much more that you can do with the exception of surgery.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • juliev1121
    juliev1121 Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the advice everyone :( not all what I wanted to hear.. but good to think about and Id rather hear what I need to than what I want. Its just frustrating to be lifting so hard, making lift weight gains, 3 months 6 days a week on a good plan with cardio and rest, eating as clean as I can, and see so little result. Is this just part of being 30? Body areas that never tone up? ;) lol
  • thatrabidgirl
    thatrabidgirl Posts: 32 Member
    If you're not leery of exercise videos, maybe try Jillian Micheal's No More Trouble Zones a shot? It's on youtube.
  • jjsilcox96
    jjsilcox96 Posts: 63 Member
    Are you over training your lower body to much
  • newport3158
    newport3158 Posts: 75 Member
    Try about 9,000-12,000mg of CLA and 3,000 mg of L-carnitine before you go to fat burners.
  • juliev1121
    juliev1121 Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hey everyone, thanks for all your advice. Im not too into training videos. I find it hard to follow and dont have space in my apartment to do home workouts. I havent really used any program hard, just taken bits and pieces from ones.. maybe it is something I should try. I just feel like I know better what I need (and a lot of those turn out flat butts haha). I dated a really on point fitness trainer for a few years so a lot of what I do is based on that and then adding through my own learning. Guess thats why Im here :).

    @jjsilcox96 I dont know :S maybe? Hmm can you see my fitness diary? I have 2 leg days.

    1. Strength Monday. A mix of 60pds squats, 30 pds curtsy and reg lunges, bavarian split, 1 leg and 2 leg deadlifts, 40lbs leg extension, curl and 90pds press. All approx. 3 sets of 8.

    2. Resistance/Plyo Thursday. 17. 5pds cable donkey kick backs, cable hip abduction and adduction, ploymetric jumping (on off bench), jump lunges, jump squats, step ups, pulse squats, hip lifts, kick backs on the floor of a couple types. Again, mostly 3 sets of 8.

    Thats it other than a cardio day.
  • jjsilcox96
    jjsilcox96 Posts: 63 Member
    It sounds like your just over working your muscles just do your legs one day aweek and see how that goes
  • jjsilcox96
    jjsilcox96 Posts: 63 Member
    And how long you been doing this and your body got used to all the exercises you may have to do lighter reps and more sets
  • juliev1121
    juliev1121 Posts: 19 Member
    @jjsilcox96 Thanks for taking the time. Ive been doing the base for about 3 months. Squats, lunges. I added some diversity with the curtsy lunges, split squats, etc about 1.5 ago, and then about 3 weeks ago added the plyo/jumping moves. Ive steadily increased weight over the months. Started at 16lbs for lunges/deadlifts/squats and have moved up to the current.

    I do want to gain size/mass in the butt which is why I havent reduced weight, and instead been upping it. Thighs I dont really care as long as they dont get HUGE (which they shouldnt with this) tone is more important than size, which is what seems to not be happening. I guess I could try lighter with more reps if its a better plan.

    To note I have never had toned legs in my life. This is a new ask on my body. I worked out strength once before under guidance and saw some result but no overall tone. Previous to my recent fitness journey I became very ill in East Africa and dropped over 20 pounds including almost all my muscle mass. I returned last May, spent 3 months just eating and walking, another 3 in yoga, and then yoga and body-weight exercises until I started more strength training the 3 months ago. I dont know if any of this might impact my ability to see results :S.

    Thanks again for everyones advice I really appreciate it!!! Ill check out some of those supplements too see what I can learn :)