This is me.

I've struggled for a long time with body image issues and it seems to be a never ending battle. I'm not over weight, but I'm not the healthiest i could be either. I'm here to help motivate and get motivation from you all out there facing your battles with weight, fitness, and overall healthiness. Please don't be shy. Add me and I will add you too! I want to be a part of a community of unity among a common struggle. If you have tips, exercises, recipes, fun things to try, or just want friend out there who is excited to live a better life then message me, friend me, do whatever and I'll be there.

This journey isn't only about a physical transformation, but also a mental and emotional one. You can be very thin and still hate your body or you can be a bit over weight and love yourself. Or vice versa. I want to enter into this with the right mind set and help other get to the right mental state to work at this and make a complete lifestyle change instead of just some quick fix that fades and leaves you with regret. I can do this, and you can do this! So, why not do it together! :)

Maisie J.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Looks like you have the right attitude. Best of luck to you :)