Weight watchers



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I say do whatever gets you the results :+1:

    Just wanted to touch on the free fruit thing. I add a banana, cranberries, blackberries,raspberries and blueberries to my smoothie everyday, which equal to 209 extra calories. I'd jump for joy if i didn't have to count them, but i eat them so i count them.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I say do whatever gets you the results :+1:

    Just wanted to touch on the free fruit thing. I add a banana, cranberries, blackberries,raspberries and blueberries to my smoothie everyday, which equal to 209 extra calories. I'd jump for joy if i didn't have to count them, but i eat them so i count them.

    When I was doing the points thing in WW, I was only eating about 1000 calories, so an extra 200 to 300 wouldn't be an issue. You can't just eat unlimited fruit. Some people who follow WW just don't use common sense on this issue. The books even said within reason.

    I use MFP now, so I don't know why I am defending WW except that people completely misunderstand this part.
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    If it's accountability you want, then WW is a good way to achieve it. As you said, there's nothing like getting weighed in front of a stranger (even if they work for WW) to make you consider whether or not to eat that donut the week before :) I did WW several years ago and lost weight, but the meetings suddenly got boring and my commitment waned. I like MFP mainly because it's a simple process of recording calories, not points. I went through a couple different Points 'cycles' with WW, each time needing to upgrade the calculator and Points books (long before apps) and then refiguring everything, and found that frustrating. And I don't buy into the idea of any kind of 'free' foods... if it has calories, I record it.

    If it works for you to do both WW and MFP, I wish you much success.
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    I just cancelled WW because I wasn't using it as much as I should. Plus I started getting annoyed that it encouraged lower point foods that may have not have been as 'real' as other things. Like in their Simply Filling - 2 pieces of light bread were free, but one piece of whole grain real bread was 2 pts. Even though they had the same amount of calories. That made no sense to me. My coworkers and I have a private facebook group where we weigh in weekly and post the pictures of our scales. That seems to work just as well. Plus, I like being able to see how much sugar, fiber, etc.. on MFP. and its freeeeeee.
  • ado148
    ado148 Posts: 6 Member
    They are starting Weight Watchers at Work here in my office so I am seriously thinking about joining. I did the program before and was successful. I really like the meetings and I, like you, need the accountability. I am really struggling right now with staying on track.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    I say do whatever gets you the results :+1:

    Just wanted to touch on the free fruit thing. I add a banana, cranberries, blackberries,raspberries and blueberries to my smoothie everyday, which equal to 209 extra calories. I'd jump for joy if i didn't have to count them, but i eat them so i count them.

    Just so you know ... in WW, fruits made into a smoothie are assigned point values. Vegetables included in recipes also "count."

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    maxit wrote: »
    I say do whatever gets you the results :+1:

    Just wanted to touch on the free fruit thing. I add a banana, cranberries, blackberries,raspberries and blueberries to my smoothie everyday, which equal to 209 extra calories. I'd jump for joy if i didn't have to count them, but i eat them so i count them.

    Just so you know ... in WW, fruits made into a smoothie are assigned point values. Vegetables included in recipes also "count."

    just to make things even more confusing. ..

  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    I say do whatever gets you the results :+1:

    Just wanted to touch on the free fruit thing. I add a banana, cranberries, blackberries,raspberries and blueberries to my smoothie everyday, which equal to 209 extra calories. I'd jump for joy if i didn't have to count them, but i eat them so i count them.

    When I was doing the points thing in WW, I was only eating about 1000 calories, so an extra 200 to 300 wouldn't be an issue. You can't just eat unlimited fruit. Some people who follow WW just don't use common sense on this issue. The books even said within reason.

    I use MFP now, so I don't know why I am defending WW except that people completely misunderstand this part.
    The misunderstanding of WW is pretty common.
    I did it multi times since you eat your own food and I am vegan(25 yrs and counting not to drop weight). In 07/08 I lost 75 lbs on ww online and made my goal of 152 at 5'9.And I kept it off till 2011. I gained when I stopped counting, tracking, weighing myself and my food, and running. First 30 then stayed there for a few years then the last 18 months well I started back at 2007. It is a calorie forumla which has a lower calorie base to account for a few hundred in veggies and fruits. When I started this time I thought I would do both but dropped WW after a few days. WW is a good program esp for people starting out. It was the ony diet brand that could handle special diets since you eat your own ffood.
    But for me now MFP is way easier. Given I am vegan a lot of the food I eat isn't average ameican faire. It was hard to find the info for points but I can always find the calories. And I want the info direct at this piont without dropping $20 a month for the online subscription. I would never bash it since it helped me and others. And some people need the weekly meetings. For me I am just at a different piont and MFP fits it. 35 days in I am down 13.5 lbs. which is the same rate as The first 5 weeks when I did ww online to drop 75.
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I did WW online four years ago and lost 22 pounds and got to my goal weight . Maintained for a while then discontinued my membership. Gained half of the weight back since then so now I'm doing MFP and love it cause its Free! Yay!

    WW switched to point free fruits and veggies while I was a member and it wasn't a problem for me either way. I've never over eaten fruits or veggies in my life, lol
  • tobybears8
    tobybears8 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi all, I am a Weight Watchers member and use MFP. I really get a lot out of attending the WW meetings each week. The discussion is informative, and science based. I recently started to track consistently on MFP, and like how vast the food database is - especially for the scanned items. I like the activity syncing and tracking with my Fitbit that MFP provides. I'm living a healthier lifestyle and working towards my weight goal with the benefit of three supports family&friends/MFP/Weight Watchers.

    How do you track Weight Watcher's on MFP?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    You don't