Back and determined!

Summer vacation (I'm a teacher) = back with a vengeance.

The end of the school year gets so busy, I never know what to do with myself. This will be the first summer I am not working part time or planning a wedding, and I hope to dedicate it to losing weight. I finally got over my fear of working out with my husband (it only took years of friendship, dating and marriage to overcome that...dumb, I know...) and I hope that we can be great encouragement for each other.

My school is also doing a steps challenge- if we log over 17,000 steps for 75% of vacation, we win a free step counter/calorie burn count/heart rate band that syncs wirelessly to your smart phone. Wish me luck and please add me as a friend! I can use all of the encouragement I can get!! :wink:


  • I am with you! This is my first summer that I was not pregnant or having a baby. I am looking forward to shedding these baby pounds and getting healthy again. I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
  • I started today, too! Hopefully we can all shed this weight together!
  • I teach third grade and know exactly how you feel. First the holidays, and then the end of the year stress! UGH I started doing couch to 5k and trying to eat healthy. Hopefully the healthy habits will continue through the next school year. Good luck on your goals! Here is to a healthy summer!!
  • Thanks everyone! Good luck to you as well!!

    My friends signed up for a 5K Color Run/Walk in August. I think I'm going to join them. :)
  • minimah7
    minimah7 Posts: 26 Member
    Awe! That is awesome! You surely can do it! Do not worry. Commit, stay focused, do not forget you have some friends here on MFP. You can do this! Go get it!:wink:
  • Thank you!!!
  • eabronner
    eabronner Posts: 4 Member
    Another motivated Ohio teacher here! I have just started logging again and feel this is my summer to make some changes. I could definitely use the support, though. Always happy to have friends!