Personal trainers: Stick with 1, or okay to move around?

I've been seeing the same trainer at my gym for a couple of months now. She recently was gone for two weeks but recommended another trainer at the gym to "sub" for her while she was out. I really like my "original" trainer and the "sub." Is it okay to switch up my training sessions between the two, or is that bad "personal training etiquette?" (I'd probably only be using the sub trainer if I couldn't get my ideal appointment time with my original trainer but could get that preferred time with the sub.)

(No need to reply if you don't know any personal trainers or have never had any experience with personal training.)


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    only switch if you feel you would like the new trainer better over the long term. your train will know your weaknesses and have a plan for your progress. they see all your workouts and will adapt your training around what they see. constantly switching means constantly starting over. and if they think you're going to keep switching, you're basically paying money for a glorified pin switcher, as they won't get invested in your progress either.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Agree with above post Mine has learned the little glitches or weaknesses and can adapt better because he knows me. It is nice too because he can tell before me at time es when something is tight thus preventing injury. The level of trust is there and if you change around that is also not going to be there. I will be with mine long term and knowing that mine watches out for me in a different way than someone he trains once or twice here and there
  • pesigrandi
    pesigrandi Posts: 74 Member
    I had the same personal trainer for seven years at a prior gym. She moved to another state so I left that gym and went to another one a couple months ago. My trainer mixed it up a lot and we had a great rapport and also became friends outside of the gym so I never felt the need to see another one. I had another trainer prior to that at the YMCA but I don't really remember much about it. However, I see nothing wrong with seeing both of them as it suits your schedule. You may end up with more variety which should help your results.