So have any of you'll started loosing any weight?

vgr12386 Posts: 21 Member
Hey I've been on here for like 10 days... guess I worked out regularly for 7 of those days :)
I've got an analog scale and I really don't see the needle moving around 83 :(
how long did it take you till you started to see results?


  • HumboldtFred
    HumboldtFred Posts: 159 Member
    My clothes started fitting better at three weeks. My friends started noticing at three months. I haven't weighed yet because it discourages me when the scale numbers don't match the effort by my mind's standards. I thing going from a 4x shirt to a 2x shirt is enough confirmation for now. I just recently was cleared to lift again after an injury, so my diet has accounted for 99.9 percent of my loss so far. You can't out-run your fork.
  • vgr12386
    vgr12386 Posts: 21 Member
    wow 3 weeks..... guess I'm half way there then :D
    I think you're right I shouldn't be checking the weighing scale so often.... eyeballing on an analog scale can get tiring too.. I kinda blame t on my clothing it if it's a little over what I think it was last time around... and hey congrats on getting the go ahead for weights... I however don't think I'll get cleared any time soon .. I have more of a permanent condition.. so it's just swimming and walking/jogging for me....
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    If I were you I'd definitely get a digital scale! An analogue one would drive me mad. I tried using an analogue food scale for a day before I gave up lol. It took me about a week to see any loss. I go only by the weight on the scales, and weigh every day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    almost immediately...and more so when I used my food scale.
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    When I first started, I didn't see any loss for about 2 weeks, and only a little bit. And then it started to really roll off 8-9 lbs a month for awhile. I've lost 110 so far- from a size 24 and moving into a 14. I still have a ways to go, but I feel pretty good about my continued results. Just keep at it! Gotta get in it for the long haul.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Immediately for me, but I was pretty fat. I second the suggestion to get a digital scale. Also make sure you're weighing at the same time, under the same conditions.
  • vgr12386
    vgr12386 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for replying... I guess I could start looking around for a digital scale. Have a 6 day week shall try and get one on Sunday... All you guys seem to have kicked off all the fat you'll had on you... real impressive
    @bmele0 :Keeping at it I guess is the toughest part.... I kinda start on a high and then eventually see things spiraling down... :(
    @TheVirgoddess : I never really thought the time I weigh in was important.... but I guess your right.... before after meals will make a huge difference especially when the meals are awesome :D
  • amylynnharp
    amylynnharp Posts: 24 Member
    I use a digital scale and weigh first thing in the morning after I have used the "facilities". I wear the same outfit (my birthday suit) and therefore, have the same conditions. I also weigh every day. I get frustrated with analog scales so bought a $20 scale at target. I like watching the overall decline of my weight and weighing daily gives me extra feedback.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    vgr12386 wrote: »
    Hey I've been on here for like 10 days... guess I worked out regularly for 7 of those days :)
    I've got an analog scale and I really don't see the needle moving around 83 :(
    how long did it take you till you started to see results?
    If you aren't consistent, then you probably won't see results. For most, they'll see it the first week.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • saberika87
    saberika87 Posts: 37 Member
    I weigh nearly every day and use a digital scale as well. Sometimes it can be annoying because I know I have stayed on track for calories, however the scale will say I gained 2lbs+ because of water retention. Other than drinking a lot of water, what other ways do people find to minimize water retention?
    Also, usually when I first start (I have started and restarted many times... as many people know the struggle!), and I lose weight quickly to begin with. I find thought that I need to be active AND eat properly to continue losing weight or else the weight comes off extremely slowly if I only just watch my eating and don't move too much.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It typically takes me a couple of weeks to see any weight loss, especially if I've just started exercising more or more intensely. But I don't eat a big deficit most days.
  • Childfree1991
    Childfree1991 Posts: 145 Member
    For me the scale began going down on the first week or two (a couple pounds) but results/difference couldn't actually be noticed until I had lost the first 20 pounds. I weighed myself every 1-2 weeks (never daily because of water weight/fluctuation etc.) Now I measure because after losing weight, I was a bit skinny-fat and have been working on leaning up.
  • lizardlipsagain
    lizardlipsagain Posts: 33 Member
    I use an analog scale, I just make sure I stand on exactly the same spot of the scale otherwise my scale can differ by 3 pounds depending on where I stand on it. I always weigh in first thing in the morning after "going". I weigh everyday as it inspires me.

    My first week I lost about 5 pounds but that was probably mostly water. The next 2 weeks I lost nothing (GGGRRR) but since then weight has been coming off pretty regularly. As of today I have lost 16 pounds and its been exactly 1 month since starting. I am only walking at 2.5 mph which I know is not fast but that's where I'm at for now, I also use a stationary rowing machine on the days I don't feel like going outside.

    It probably wasn't until about the third week before I noticed any difference in my clothing but it only took about a week before I noticed that I wasn't huffing and puffing so much.

    I don't think I'll be changing from my analog scale but I am thinking of getting a digital food scale, it still amaze's me how different what I think something weighs and what it actually is.

    Anyways!!! Good luck in your journey and don't get discouraged when things don't change as fast as you hope. It will happen if you keep at it and are honest with your logging foods.
  • melissafofissa
    melissafofissa Posts: 20 Member
    I've been using this awesome amaz app for two weeks with moderate exercise and I didn't have a loss till now. Although I'm trying not to get ocd with my weigh in's- only done it three times. Keep going you'll see the difference in time. Taking measurements is a great way to see results that the scale doesn't always show.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited April 2015
    8 weeks ... 8 kg down.

    But it took me about 10 days before anything happened. 10 days and not a gram. I was going to give it 2 weeks, and if nothing happened in that time, I was finished.

    And then about 11 or 12 days in ... all of a sudden it started coming off. So I stayed.

    But not in a nice neat line. I drop 1 kg, and then maintain for a few days, then drop 0.3 kg, and maintain that for a few days ... etc. Fits and starts all over the place.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    I seen the initial results within the first week, I lost 6 pounds, now I'm on a slower weight loss, I was upset with myself because one week I didn't lose any weight, I was so discouraged (it was Easter weekend) But now, I'm seeing the scale going down gradually and I'm ok with that. The thing I'm trying to do is not to weight every day.. Trying is the key word lol :smiley:
  • ladywanderlust
    ladywanderlust Posts: 7 Member
    I've lost around 10 pounds in the past 3 months, according to the scale. I only weigh myself every 3 weeks or so, whenever I visit my nutritionist. I find it comforting, so that I don't obsess about my weight every day and that if the number on the scale is not what I hoped for, we can discuss why. I'm losing at a rate of about .5-1.0 pounds a week. I know that if your starting weight is higher, initial losses per week may be much higher, but will slow as you continue to lose weight.

    I can't say I've noticed many major changes in my body outwardly, though. I think part of it is because I am only around 15-20 pounds heavier than my ideal body weight, so at this point any changes are more gradual and subtle. My clothes are slightly looser, but it's nothing drastic. I don't think I'll have to go out and replace my whole wardrobe or anything. I HAVE noticed that I am developing more muscle from all the time I've spent in the gym. The other day I flexed my arm and there was actually a hint of a bicep and I was like WOAH WHAT. :P Also if I squint (admittedly very hard) I can almost imagine that I have abs. haha.
  • Clueless_Girl2015
    Clueless_Girl2015 Posts: 10 Member
    I only weigh myself on sundays.
    But I started using MFP on a thursday and by the first sunday; 4 days, I had lost 2lbs. As soon as I started weighing out my meals I realised there were some things I was over estimating. Im two weeks in and lost 4lbs at this point. The first week I tried not to eat differently, just logged accurately and starting changing some eating habits last week.
    That being said Im larger, the bigger you are at the start, the faster you will loose. Also will depend on what exercise you are doing, if you are building muscle then you wont see so much weight loss since muscle is heavier.