Don't seem to Matter what I do !!!

I wonder why I keep trying ... I can't lose a pound .. I have done everything


  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    What have you done?
  • AzTriathlete
    AzTriathlete Posts: 7 Member
    Go to your Dr and have blood work done there could very likely be an imbalance that is keeping you from loosing weight
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    91octain wrote: »
    Go to your Dr and have blood work done there could very likely be an imbalance that is keeping you from loosing weight

    Ninety nine percent of the time it's due to inaccuracy such as overestimating calories burned, under estimating calories eating, overestimating TDEE, not weighing out food etc.

    To OP:

    Calculate your TDEE using a TDEE calculator (look on google and be 100% honest with activity levels etc.) and eat about 10% less than that. After a few weeks if nothing has shifted maybe eat 100-150 calories less. (don't go ridiculously low like 1300 a day)

    Some people have cheat meals/cheat days weekly and don't realise you can easily compromise your entire week over the weekend. Drinking + food + "hangover cure food" can easily completely negate your calorie deficit from the entire week. Try to just fit one cheat meal into your calories and macros once or twice a week.

    Without actually stating what you have done, how accurate you are at logging and other various aspects no-one can really make an educated guess at what you are doing wrong.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    91octain wrote: »
    Go to your Dr and have blood work done there could very likely be an imbalance that is keeping you from loosing weight

    Ninety nine percent of the time it's due to inaccuracy such as overestimating calories burned, under estimating calories eating, overestimating TDEE, not weighing out food etc.

    Ditto. OP do you use MFP and weigh and log your food?
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    lolita1982 wrote: »
    I wonder why I keep trying ... I can't lose a pound .. I have done everything

    If you truly have done everything, to include eating at a cal deficit for an extended period of time, then you should see your dr and have blood tests done.

  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Vague post is vague.

    What have you done, what are your goals? How long have you been "doing everything for"? Need so much more information.
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    Track EVERY calorie in. WEIGH ALL YOUR FOOD. Don't use measuring cups--weigh it. Stick to your cal goal every day. Exercise as much as you have time for--a mix of cardio and weights but don't eat back exercise cals or at least not the number the cardio machine says.

    If you still don't see things happening, go to your doctor.
  • cgangl1821
    cgangl1821 Posts: 34 Member
    I had the same problem for a while. I was doing t25 and running and eating (what I thought) was less calories. I recently started intermittent fasting (5:2) and started losing weight. So it came down to I was eating too much. So maybe try 5:2 for a week or two and see if that gets the scale started. Then go from there, fasting or not.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    lolita1982 wrote: »
    I wonder why I keep trying ... I can't lose a pound .. I have done everything

    Everything being?
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    How long do u keep 'trying' for?