Hotties getting Hotter! Daily motivation thread! April 2015



  • Mommyof3818
    Mommyof3818 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join! I rarely join in on the community part of this app but am usually logging meals! I have about 15 more pounds to go but it's so hard to shed them! Grr!
  • domadove
    domadove Posts: 1
    My goal is to lose 5-6kgs. I'm currently weighing 57 kg. I would love to be part of a group that could motivate and support every member. I've been practicing yoga and going to the gym fairly regular. However, my problems are the weekends. Either I drink too much alcohol or eat too much. I've only started dieting about two weeks ago, so here goes nothing.

    Ladies, summer is almost here! We need to look our best! :)<3
  • Beachybombshell
    Beachybombshell Posts: 2 Member
    I'll join!

    CW as of 4-16-15 - 158.1 lbs
    GW for May 1st - 152 lbs
    Ultimate goal weight - 130 maybe 125

    My goal is to get 10,000+ steps each day and consume 1200 calories. I don't eat back my exercise calories. Also go to the gym or do some type of workout 5 days a week for at least 30 min.
  • julies222
    julies222 Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to join this group. CW is 130. GW is 124. UGW is 120. I started using my fitbit every day and tracking 9000 steps currently. I need motivation to keep working out daily. I tend to slack and workout only 4x per week. So far I've worked out 5 days in a row yay !
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    @jaclyntranchannel You can favorite or star this thread and then easily find it.

    It is so good to see that people are jumping on. All I have to say is that cutting down your calories too low and not eating back you exercise calories can truly hurt your body. I will not condone anyone no matter what your weight eating 1200 cals or less and exercising for any length of time. I know too many people who dealt with Anorexia and it is a slippery slope. OK I will get off my soap box. The whole point of this is to be healthy and happy and hot! Too skinny is not hot! hahah

    Anyways, I just stepped on the scale to "check" and it says that I am back down to where I was before last week which is good considering it jumped up almost 2 lbs but I am going to still not log it until tomorrow and just fight hard and eat clean all day. We went to a wedding over the weekend so I was not sure but now I have confidence that if you track and clean it is possible. This weekend I think I have a family gathering and I will have to commit to only 1 glass of wine for that. I am going to commit to only 1 alcoholic beverage each day of the weekend and that is only if it really feels worth it. I will also make sure to get some sort of exercise in on Friday and Sunday, Saturday might be hard since I am working 8-12 and then family stuff in the afternoon.

    What is everyone else's plans for the weekend?

  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in! I've been looking for some motivation and accountability. CW:131.5 GW for May 1:127. UGW:110-115. I want to get 12000 steps a day and go to the gym again least 3x a week.
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. We are in this together. :)
  • delij83
    delij83 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm currently 172 lb and hoping to be 165 by end of may which I think is doable. I'm 5"6 so end target is to be around the 120lb mark but might change this :)
    I've had tonnes on this week so not exercised other than walking cause I don't drive but I've got the couch to 5k app and gonna start Saturday and hopefully do the half hour slots daily x
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    Today was pretty awesome. I honestly thought I'd be stuck at a 50lb OHP for awhile (considering it took me forever to move from the bar (45lb bar) to 50lbs). I however managed to make it through my sets today at 55 lbs.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Woohoo I did a 90lb front squat! I feel like a rockstar.
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    Wow! You go girl!
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    im sitting here trying to figure out how i can get my step count from 3000 to 10000 on whats meant to be a rest day lol i was going to go for a walk but its raining
  • Beachybombshell
    Beachybombshell Posts: 2 Member
    Celebrating my anniversary this weekend so I want to celebrate without being too strict on my food but also not throw my progress off track. So maybe this weekend I will eat back my exercise calories.. ;) I think we will do some hiking too so that will help. What is everyone else doing?
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Woohoo I am down 2.2 this week. Really it is just getting back to where I was 2 weeks ago but hey I will take it as motivation. This weekend I will be working and studying a fair amount. I also have to go visit family either today or tomorrow. I was hoping I could do family dinner tomorrow so I could go to crossfit tonight, but if that changes I will at least hit the gym for a little cardio or my own mini-wod. It feels good to be back on track, I changed my macros to 30,30,40 and I am hoping that will help. It is challenging because there are so many different ideas out there on the best way to lose weight and what your macros should be and bla bla bla. I am just trying to eat as clean as possible and feel good. I also had my run club girl bail out so I will be the one leading it this weekend. So at least I know I will be getting a run/walk in on Sunday. School is coming to an end which is good but I am also getting a little concerned about having so much time on my hands to eat and drink! I will be excited to be cooking again and I am going to keep chatting with all of you and staying on track! So far I am feeling like my goals are in check!
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    I had a girl's night out last night, but was able to stay on track. Thank god for my exercise calories. I've only been back on track a few days, but it feels good.
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread. We can DO this!
  • ChrisiEMilio
    ChrisiEMilio Posts: 27 Member
    Can I still join? I would love to. I am trying to stay motivated and the more involved I seem to be the easier it is.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Yes @ChrisiEMilio feel free to add some goals for the week/ rest of the month! I will be creating a new thread for May so we can all stay accountable!

    The weekend is always my downfall! I went out on a date night with the hubby friday night and I actually ordered probably the healthiest thing on the menu! I am making way better choices when I go out which is huge! Then I had to work early saturday morning and I was getting bagels for the event and only had 1 bagel until about 1 when I got home from work. I only wanted to have a protein shake because I knew we had a family dinner that night which was not a great idea. I had some wine and it went straight to my head. Ended up having a drunken bagel later at night and felt like crap all yesterday. Yesterday I was basically nursing my hangover and resting all day. I didn't track but I also didn't go crazy since I was basically in bed on the couch all day. Such is life I am back on track today and eating healthy. I pulled a muscle or strained something in my back last week so I am going to skip the gym for a few days and recover from that. Back to tracking! I am going to just keep going and stay strong! Some days/weeks are going to be better than others, the point is to get back up on the horse and keep fighting!
  • ChrisiEMilio
    ChrisiEMilio Posts: 27 Member
    Weekly and monthly goals. I have a fit bit and walk 10,000 steps a day but that is not typically extremely difficult for a mom of four so I feel that I should do more. This week I would like to work out at least 3 days for at least an hour. Monthly goal would be to take that to 5 days a week. I would also like to increased my steps by 1,000 steps a day for the week and for the month to work my way up to 15,000 steps a day. With nutrition I would like to stay within my allotted points and calories for both weekly and monthly goals. For monthly I would also like to find healthier fast type snacks and meals to keep my proteins, carbs and fat in balance and where they should be. I would also like to eat a big breakfast everyday. Wow that seems like a lot. Lol.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    The days with question marks for calories consumed is because I ate at 2 restaurants where calorie information isn't available. I did my best guess on both days, but I really don't have a clue as to what I ate.

    I recently switched to Ice Cream Fitness 5x5. There isn't really anything wrong with Stronglifts 5x5 and in fact the 2 programs are very similar. I just feel I would benefit more from the extra work in Ice Cream Fitness. However the Glute bridges and hip thrusts aren't a part of any program. I added them to hopefully help my pancake *** problem.