Does anyone else secretly weigh their food?



  • alida1walsh
    alida1walsh Posts: 72 Member
    I've never been on a diet before though have always been health conscious (keeping fit, eating healthy food and eating other food in moderation).

    Unfortunately, my family don't support me on this quest and make fun of me when I decline treat food (though not always). No way could I reveal the scale to them.

    My GP has warned me that although I have a healthy BMI I still need to get my waist measurement down below 80cm otherwise I'll be at risk of certain chronic diseases. I am making some progress weight-wise but nothing lost yet around the waist. Guess it's a post babies/caesarean issue so harder to get rid of.

    From the comments above, it sounds as if I should come clean about the scale and just put up with the ridicule.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I weigh everything right out in the open. I even took my scale on a recent getaway to a cabin in the woods. No one cares.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I don't hide stuff from my family. Weighing food is such a non-event it wouldn't even occur to me to hide it.
  • crys_todd
    crys_todd Posts: 41 Member
    I weigh discreetly in my house. I try not to let my almost 4 year old daughter see me doing it because I want her relationship with food to be much more healthy and intuitive than mine ever was.

    That and my husband thinks it's bananas and pokes fun. He's fond of saying that Walter White was less precise with his wares than I am with my almonds.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Nope. My scale sits out on the counter in plain view.

    My mother (who moved into my house over the summer) thinks it's obsessive. I told her there isn't anything wrong with it and I suck at estimating serving sizes up until I got it. Obviously I had no concept of a serving size or I wouldn't have ended up obese.
  • rianoel
    rianoel Posts: 22 Member
    Out in the open. I use it on all recipes and for non recipe stuff (like a side of peas or rice) it sits next to my plate at the table.

    OP, don't put up with the ridicule. Call them out on it. You can say "Your comments are unwelcome. Commenting on someone else's weight is rude." Or, if you're the cook and treat buyer. "You're welcome to eat dinner at another time if you have nothing nice to say." "Since having treats is perpetrating nasty passive agressive behavior, we will no longer have them in this house."

    If it's your spouse, talk in private. Be honest about your need and desire for support. A loving spouse will be willing to listen to your point of view and change their behavior.

    No one gets a free pass to treat someone else with disrespect, especially in your own home. If it happens at some other family member's home, call them on it and leave.

    If you NEED to give them an excuse you can say, "I'm following my doctor's advice. If you have nothing nice to say/desire to support me/care for my health (whatever), then please keep it to yourself."
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    I live alone and my scale sits out on my counter. Though when my mom found out I was weighing my food she immediately gave me a talk about anorexia. :expressionless:
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    edited April 2015
    crys_todd wrote: »
    I weigh discreetly in my house. I try not to let my almost 4 year old daughter see me doing it because I want her relationship with food to be much more healthy and intuitive than mine ever was.

    That and my husband thinks it's bananas and pokes fun. He's fond of saying that Walter White was less precise with his wares than I am with my almonds.

    I'm getting my digital scale on Friday. My husband is on board and will absolutely support anything I do. I would never hide it from him.

    I have 4 kids and I am very afraid to do anything that might change their relationship with food, too. I grew up with an eating disorder that was brought on by my mom's extreme body hatred and disordered eating. I will do my measuring away from my daughter. I never, ever body shame or say anything negative about weight because I know how it can be when your mother is crazy.

    I'm down 32 pounds and I've never mentioned the word diet or even weight loss. When they notice, I'll explain that I'm making better choices.

    I'm sorry that your husband is being a jerk.
  • alida1walsh
    alida1walsh Posts: 72 Member

    crys_todd wrote: »
    I weigh discreetly in my house. I try not to let my almost 4 year old daughter see me doing it because I want her relationship with food to be much more healthy and intuitive than mine ever was.

    That and my husband thinks it's bananas and pokes fun. He's fond of saying that Walter White was less precise with his wares than I am with my almonds.

    Ditto with my 3 children. My girls are 6 and 9 and need encouragement to eat more as they're skinnier than most other children (10th percentile) and extremely active. Food is more of a chore for them than it is to me ;) .
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I wish I could leave my scale on the counter but it ends up getting wet every time I do. :neutral:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    no secret here.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Nope. I just bought a new better food scale and posted it on Instagram even. Lol
  • ZiggySquish
    ZiggySquish Posts: 87 Member
    drs64 wrote: »
    I not only openly weigh everything, at the table, every meal, but have been successful to the point that I now have 3 other family members doing it as well. They haven't quite joined me at weighing food out at restaurants, but that's their loss. It's my body, my "diet", my success story. Screw the judgement of anyone else, especially strangers.

    I'm impressed you weigh your food when you eat out somewhere, it's always such a challenge! I don't know if I could ever do that, but it gave me an idea. I could put half of it in a box to go as soon as I get it, take it home and weigh it, and then I'll have a better idea of how much I had...
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    secret, are you kidding? I am a compulsive food weigher, the only accurate way to determine how much your eating. I wish all foods were listed by the oz.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I don't take my scale with me though. When I'm out I just wing it.
  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    Secretly?? I carry my scale wherever I go .....
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    I live by myself, but my boyfriend has visited and even before that I told him about it and he didn't make a big deal out of it. I did have a fellow classmate ask me if I was a drug dealer :D
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Tell them _once_ that you're following doctor's orders and working to make better health choices,
    and if they can't say something supportive, they should keep their opinions to themselves.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I don't take my scale with me though. When I'm out I just wing it.

    Ditto. It's just not polite when I'm out and about. I'd never go to a restaurant and start putting things on a scale. But hey, that's just me.
  • Maries_wine_calories
    Maries_wine_calories Posts: 152 Member
    I use a scale to weigh my food portions but do it in secret because I don't want the rest of my skinny family to know I'm on a diet.

    I'm trying to lose a few kilos on doctor's advice but family doesn't agree I need to.

    You may be surprised, but your choices right now will serve you life-long. No doubt you'll lose many kilo's by getting your family out of your head...