Hello everyone!

Hello I am from the usa and needing more friends. Please keep your diary open so I could have more ideas of what to eat. I also made a group for people that are in the same boat as me. I couldn't find a group that is made already (didn't really want to search through thousands and thousands of groups lol) http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105281-over-300-pounds-wanting-to-get-to-ideal-weight

Anyways I want to lose weight this time and succeed while doing it. I don't want to give up and gain it all back. I was down to 292.00 last year around this month but I hurt my hip and I stopped working out and went back to eating bad again. So now I am 337.. Fluctuates. Yes I have bad food choices but needing help with that as well. If you are also a trainer or a dietician in disguise please message me to give me tons of ideas. I would appreciate everything!

I am 5ft 2 and I am needing to get in the 100 range.

My dad did compliment me today saying that I don't look all bloated and look like I am losing weight but the scale isn't showing it. :neutral:


  • s2Mango
    s2Mango Posts: 44 Member
    Hey there! I'm not really always staying under my calories, but I don't usually go horribly over either. Scales may not always show it, which is why they say to take measurements(I don't really do this yet). I have faith that you can do this, girl! It's hard, but imagine how awesome you'll feel at the end when you reach where you'd like to be.