Tracking calories for cardio

I'm Currently using endomondo to count my tae bo cardio workouts and I'm not sure if its quite accurate. does anyone know if there is something else I can use to track my calories for cardio workouts ? Thanks


  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    nothing, really.. you can use a heart rate monitor but even that'll be off.
    depends on too many variables to get a perfect reading.
  • They can be wildly off too. Same bike ride, same distance, 2 different weekends. 1st with an HRM showed 1688c and the 2nd without a HRM a fitness app calculated 3300c used. Both rides came in at around 3.5hrs in similar weather. Similar story with the commute to work, HRM gives about 5-700c but fitness app gives 1177c. That said, I do eat an awful lot.