Meals to help lose weight

ScottCarlson509 Posts: 7 Member
any ideas on meals that are low in calories , I'm tryin to lose some weight so I can start training for the tower climb in seattle


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I choose to eat less meals but bigger meals (ie more calories) because I feel they satisfy me more than small meals. I'd rather eat 3x600 cal meals with lots of volume than 6x300 cal meals...
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    a good rule of thumb that I've learned is that you don't need to have a full serving of something. I do 1/2 servings of a lot of my favorite foods.
  • LovelyLisa1000
    LovelyLisa1000 Posts: 10 Member
    soups and stews are filling and can include vegetables and meat. I just had a big bowl of taco chili and it is so satisfying and filling and healthy with lots of beans and corn.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    Any meal will make you lose weight as long as it fits into your calorie goal. That said: amp up the amount of veg on your plate, reduce the amount of carbs (as these tend to pack a lot of calories, not because carbs are bad) and choose lean proteins (you can eat a ton of fish for example for the same amount of calories as 100gr ground beef).