Need 30-Something Sisters w/ 100+ to lose



  • splodee
    splodee Posts: 3
    I'm 31 with at least 100+ pounds to lose, in all honesty I've been overweight for so long I can't even imagine what a suitable weight for me would be. I'm looking for new partners, add me!

    I'm just getting started again, and its a hard adjustment.
  • Hey! I'm 25 and need to lose 100 also! I've restarted my fitness goal about a month ago and have been eating better and consistently working out and what's helping me is having friends that also have the same motivation I do and will work with me as a team! I am here for you and everyone else! I've lost 17 pounds so far since starting my fitness goal again
  • Hey! I'm 25 and need to lose 100 also! I've restarted my fitness goal about a month ago and have been eating better and consistently working out and what's helping me is having friends that also have the same motivation I do and will work with me as a team! I am here for you and everyone else! I've lost 17 pounds so far since starting my fitness goal again!
  • AffSheeen
    AffSheeen Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Ok, so this isn't my first time on here but I'm finally READY to do this! I have *about* 125 pounds to lose, so it's going to be a long road, but hey, I didn't get here overnight. ;) I need all the buddies I can get!

    Hi I'm 33 & I Have To Lose Almost 30 Kg.... I'll Love To Join You...
  • Im 27 and weigh 226... previously lost 60 lbs about three years ago... Still have another 80 to go!! I'll surely be your fitness buddy
  • MoonOverMyHammies7
    MoonOverMyHammies7 Posts: 585 Member
    38 and need to loose 75 to 100 depends on how I feel when I get to the higher end of my goal.
  • jamie_lee80
    jamie_lee80 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 34 and needing to lose another 74 lbs......i hit 40 lbs loss this AM! It feels great but I still have a lot of work to do! Add me!
  • lhart1104
    lhart1104 Posts: 14 Member
    I turn 30 in June and have 5 kiddos! I have lost 15 but have another 125 at least to go! Please add me, my diary is also open, though embarrassing the last couple.of weeks!
  • Raechel120
    Raechel120 Posts: 659 Member
    Hi I'm 5'2", 35 years old and have 50 to shed its been hard this go around, I got to my ideal weight back in 2012 but gained it back so here I am yet again and this has been a hard wk I know its from hormones but still!!! Anyway looking forward to the journey
  • Im 32 and have 100+ to lose. I lose weight and then gain it back again. I have little to no support around me and I find it hard to stay motivated. I just started here and I really need to get my life on track, I just became a nurse and I need to be what I teach. Add me and we can support each other.