I see results but...

I'm seeing inches/pounds lost. And even other people are noticing too

So how come my clothes aren't any looser????? I'm getting annoyed


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just stick with it and your clothes will get looser. Don't let it demotivate you, quitting won't make those clothes any looser.

    Expecting to see major results is one thing that always demotivates me. I just lift, log what I eat and carry on as usual. If I see results I'm happy but I don't set myself major goals as if I don't meet them I get annoyed.
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    Be patient, it'll come. Took 8-10 weeks before I actually "felt" a difference in my clothes, and even now, 4 months in, some pants still fit quite well. I believe the cut of certain pants just fits more sizes. Stick to facts : if you are losing inches, keep doing what you are doing!
  • pjischaos
    pjischaos Posts: 11 Member
    I have the opposite problem, not losing much in pounds but clothes are really baggy and loose. Thighs and calf measurements haven't changed in over a month but are the areas that are most baggy in jeans now. I sure don't get it but am definitely not complaining, I'll take whatever it is. lol
  • sup3rb3ast
    sup3rb3ast Posts: 73 Member
    It took me 17 lbs to start noticing my clothes were loose. Don't give up!
  • dianalg1982
    dianalg1982 Posts: 7 Member
    Lol thanks everyone. The whole thing definitely is weird. And it's quite discouraging. Just when I feel ready to throw and old pair of pants on assuming they will be loose, they aren't and I wonder if the results
    I'm seeing are all in my head lol
  • smittybobitty917
    smittybobitty917 Posts: 19 Member
    Hang in there. I didn't notice much difference at the start.

    Now that the seasons are changing, I'm trying on things I hadn't worn in a while. It feels like a bigger difference when you wear something that's been in the back of the closet for months.

    My wife stopped me the other day saying, "You aren't wearing that, are you?" My "big" shorts from last year are no longer acceptable for public appearances according to my in-house fashion police.