What do you all think?

msstatz Posts: 163 Member
Since you have been having a healthier lifestyle, have you noticed just how unhealthy others are? I try really hard not to judge others, but I just seem to be more aware of how unhealthy a lot of people's (including me before) actions are. Like at the store, people will have TV dinners, chips, cookies and all sorts of processed foods. It kinda makes me cringe. Or like when I go to a restaurant and see people ordering deep fried this with extra sauce. It kinda make me wonder how some people aren't overweight or in bad health. Does anyone else feel this way? Sorry this turned into a vent for me. It has just been bugging me. One more thing- it seems like unhealthy food choices are everywhere and are just the norm while truly healthy choices are rare and often looked down upon. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to bring a dozen cupcakes to a gathering but if I brought fresh fruit or veggies some people look at me like I have 2 heads. Lol


  • JustMe1962
    JustMe1962 Posts: 5 Member
    Yesssssssssssss... I had bariatic bypass surgery in February.. and now, my daughter and my son, they hate it but I have to say something.... it is just gross the things they eat and how FAST they do it. I have learned to eat right and exercise and eat until full and stop... so it's so hard to manage alone then I see what they are doing.. I really wish we were all on the same page... :) I'm new to MFP so hang with me so I can make it a habit to come on every day :) My names Megan :) I live in Pensacola FL and I'm 50.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Nope. I have no way of knowing whether the person ordering the deep-fried food is indulging in a once-a-year birthday treat, or if the 250-pound person eating barbecued ribs used to weigh 400 and is on their way to 150.

    Also, I've never seen anyone mocked or looked sideways at for bringing a fruit or veggie tray to a party--throw some dip in the middle and people will enjoy it with or without according to their preference.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    I have noticed it. But I also notice how unhealthy I used to be! I think being more aware of you own health leads to also noticing others' lack of awareness. But I do not overstep by saying anything and try not to judge. People have to decide for themselves that it is time to change and some of us realize it sooner and more easily than others.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Nope, I don't pay attention to what others are buying-too busy keeping my three kids from destroying the store lol. I'm sure others think my shopping cart is whacky-lots of red meat, pork, butter, some veggies, at least 3 packages of different kinds of mushrooms, almost no fruit and a ridiculous amount of eggs lol. Last time I ran in I just bought steaks and dark chocolate :D