headache and dizzy after workout????!!!

So i went for an hour walk yesterday (2 miles forward and back) so (4 miles). when i came back the first thing i did was drink water then i lied down. When i was lying down my head kept pulsing and hurt. My diet has been good. todays breakfast was 1 whole english muffin with 2tbs of penutbutter. lunch i had salad with veggies and light ranch with banana. My mom already told me what im going to have for dinner which will be a tuna sandwhich with whole weat bread w/ broccoli. my snacks were ritz cheese crackers. I want to do the same thing today but biking except i dont want to feel how i felt yesterday... please help!!


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Based on your diet, I would guess that the dizziness is from low blood sugar. Try eating some carbs and drinking some water before your walk.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    Check your blood pressure and heart rate after exercising as well. Try eating a banana before going out, or maybe mix up a smoothie with some protein in there as well. Don't go overboard with the food right before a workout though, or you could get cramps. Personally, if I eat anything within a half hour of exercising, I get horrible side stitches that make me stop. Give it some time to settle.
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    I know that if I don't slowly lower my heart rate after a decent cardio session, I get a pounding headache. I have a heart rate monitor now and it helps me avoid that a lot.