Feeling sick...caused by body used to eating healthy?

msstatz Posts: 163 Member
I have been eating very healthily and trying to eat basically no preservatives, refined sugars, etc. Today, I drank a carbonated water (Great Value brand) with aspartame and immediately afterwards I got a headache and started to feel sick to my stomach. Could my body be conditioned to not be used to the aspartame and that is why I am feeling yucky? I used to drink this water all of the time before embarking on a very healthy lifestyle. Any input?


  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    I've been very lax about what i've eaten over the last couple of weeks after a year of being careful about my food choices and trying to stick to unprocessed wholefoods as much as possible. At the beginning of this week I had stomach pains and headaches. The last couple of days I've been back on the healthy stuff and I feel loads better....I would not be surprised if they are conected but it's impossible to know for sure....
  • msstatz
    msstatz Posts: 163 Member
    I've been very lax about what i've eaten over the last couple of weeks after a year of being careful about my food choices and trying to stick to unprocessed wholefoods as much as possible. At the beginning of this week I had stomach pains and headaches. The last couple of days I've been back on the healthy stuff and I feel loads better....I would not be surprised if they are conected but it's impossible to know for sure....

    Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. I have been eating healthy for about 3 months now and I haven't had a headache or felt sick to my stomach at all. So I'm thinking the two might be connected. Either way I think I'll stay away from the carbonated water anyway as it is not healthy for me.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    Wait, Walmart sells carbonated water with aspartame added? That is pure evil. Why would you buy this? Just get some San Pellegrino and add stevia to it.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member