Conquering Hashimoto's

Hello! So, I'm recently new to MyFitnessPal and I'm curious if there are any other people on here who have Hashimoto's. I was recently diagnosed and found out that the disease can greatly affect your weight. So, I'd love to hear from people who are struggling with this and struggling to keep healthy, so that maybe we can all support each other in our endeavors! :)


  • ebelmonte
    ebelmonte Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I too struggle due to Hashimotos. I am just coming out of a particularly rough period where I gained 20 pounds.. I'd be happy just to lose that again! Congratulations on starting down the right path and working toward being healthy! :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I have Hashimoto's and have lost 27 lbs in two months, so don't be discouraged. :)
  • rosielko
    rosielko Posts: 81 Member
    Sent you a friend request snickerscharlie! :-)
  • aggieally777
    aggieally777 Posts: 4 Member
    It's good to know there are others out there! Do you guys have any tips and such for loosing weight? or good dieting tips?
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I keep it simple. I weigh my food and make sure I'm under my allotted calories daily. I walk a lot and let my Fitbit calculate how many extra calories that has earned me. Then I will usually eat some of those back (these are my treats!) but I still leave plenty of calories on the table each day to compensate for my thyroid, my post-menopausal metabolism and my age. :)
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Ahhh I am sorry you have joined this club - no one wants to be in! I, too, struggle with the weight issue of Hashimoto Hypothyroidism, post-menopausal, wrinkly old person. Started on a huge effort back in 2013 and lost 20 # then found MFP and have lost 46 more during 2013. Maintained through most of 2014; gained back 13 in the fall of 2014; then lost that first of 2015-- stagnant now, no matter what I do. I am very careful with eating no/or limited wheat products, soy products and limit dairy (well, not cheese) I try to stay in the 1200 calorie range -- I know everyone says that is low. "Everyone" doesn't deal with a stubborn disease like we do! I usually walk/run (wog) 15-25 miles a week. When I started, I couldn't walk even 1/2 mile without sitting down. I do not eat back my exercise calories for the most part. It can be done - it is just much more difficult to achieve and maintain. Don't be discouraged!! If this old, wrinkly, sometimes cranky and depressed woman can do it- Anyone can! I think the key is eating healthy and Move it Move it Move it!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    When I have my days when I'm discouraged that all I can safely do, cardio-wise, is walk a lot, I just picture myself walking laps around the old me sitting on my duff, and I know I'm a winner. :)
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Are you on medication? It will help with your energy. My son has it. Thank goodness for the thyroid medication.
  • lisemcl
    lisemcl Posts: 9 Member
    I have Hashimotos too. I find I can lose weight in short bursts, but I will always hit long plateaus. Unfortunately, I need to keep my calories low to achieve losses and constantly remind myself that its a marathon not a sprint. I also get horribly itchy legs, sorry if TMI!
  • aggieally777
    aggieally777 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm not on medication yet because technically, my levels are still "normal," but I have to watch my diet and be careful as it can still affect me even if everything seems normal.

    I like the idea of looking at it like a marathon---I did loose eleven pounds at first and now I've just hit a big plateau. Hopefully, I'll start loosing again. Honestly, if I lost 5 more pounds, I'd be happy. I'm a dense person when it comes to muscle mass, so no way in hell I'll ever be super tiny I just want to be healthy.

    I do a LOT of exercise(training for marathons) so I can't keep my calorie count too low. I usually try to hit the 1800 mark, and I always earn a ton of extra calories with my work outs (long distance running and cross fit). But it just sucks to be doing all that and the scale doesn't move. DAMN THIS DISEASE!

    Glad to have this support. I don't really know many other people who have this, especially at my age. So, it's nice to meet people who are in the same (crappy) boat. =p
  • xDreamEater
    xDreamEater Posts: 2 Member
    I have hashimotos too! It is a struggle. I don't think I'll ever be able to eat as many calories or foods as a 'regular' person would. But in the end, you just have to keep it simple. Take in less calories than you're spending. I set myself a goal of 1200 per day and almost never eat more than that, despite my average of 700 kcals of cardio each day. It is a frustrating disease, but I'm aware I have it, and I can live with it. :) If you want food ideas or to see how I manage, feel free to send a friend request!
  • kaynnate297
    kaynnate297 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I don't have hashimotos but I do have an underactive thyroid and I really struggle with my weight and I get so tired. I've also got metabolic syndrome and my eating very much depends on my emotions at the time and things end up in a visious circle. I've got the holiday of a lifetime in July and I really want to loose a good amount of weight. Sorry if this is tmi but I get so constipated and that doesn't help either. I'm new to mfp please feel free to add me
  • aggieally777
    aggieally777 Posts: 4 Member
    See, I want to limit my calories, but I'm obtaining almost 2000 extra from the exercise I do about 5x's a it's just this weird mental struggle of what do I do....