Pathetic Chit-Chat

SNOTMONKEY Posts: 12 Member
I had a moment tonight. I love bone-in chicken and haven't had it since I joined MFP. Baked or fried, the skin is my favorite part. I baked some chicken for dinner tonight and resisted the temptation to eat the delicious crunchy skin (I did lick it). While peeling the skin off to feed to the dogs, I continuously played "Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel until my meal was finished.

Anyone else have a momentary lapse of insanity to share?


  • CiclistaVal
    CiclistaVal Posts: 221 Member
    Not momentary, no.
  • CiclistaVal
    CiclistaVal Posts: 221 Member
    I think I have OCD. Every time I stand up, I check for my keys and wallet, in that order. It's like a subconscious ritual.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited April 2015
    I love Barbeque Shapes. For those non-Aussies, they're these crunchy savoury crackers coated in herb and tomato deliciousness.

    I've been known to "eat" a whole box, and by eat, I mean lick the flavouring off each one, then feed the cracker to the dog.

    ETA: It isn't even a weight loss thing. I just really like the flavour, don't care overly much for the crackers beyond the first few.