annoyed at MFP food database!



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I feel ya on this one. My biggest pet peeve is that there is this woman who keeps changing the almond milk I use to completely wrong values. I don't' know WHY anyone would do that... but it's extremely frustrating when the calories keep getting lowered and other values messed up.

    That one is annoying, but I've noticed the opposite lol. The milk I used was 30 cal for a cup, and all the database said 45 cal for a cup.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I feel ya on this one. My biggest pet peeve is that there is this woman who keeps changing the almond milk I use to completely wrong values. I don't' know WHY anyone would do that... but it's extremely frustrating when the calories keep getting lowered and other values messed up.

    Make your own entry, call it 'Francl27's almond milk' and don't tick 'let other members use this food'. Sorted.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    I just don't understand why people feel the need to create duplicates over and over again. That actually takes more time and effort than just using the one that is already there! There needs to be a "report if this item is whack" button. It is becoming tedious to look for simple things.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I just don't understand why people feel the need to create duplicates over and over again. That actually takes more time and effort than just using the one that is already there! There needs to be a "report if this item is whack" button. It is becoming tedious to look for simple things.

    I don't see the need to complain about a free service/application.
  • czecher
    czecher Posts: 21
    The phone ap was awesome. I haven't used it in a while since I have been using the website. Any area where you enter things here is severely lacking. They need to make BOTH of them the same. If they want to have people using the website (which probably makes money from the ads and traffic) it needs to be more user friendly.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have found that so many of the food facts listed in the MFP database are totally incorrect. Even on items that are published and not estimates. Obvi with estimates we know they wont always be accurate BUT whats the reason for items that are published being wrong?

    For example, I just checked on a gourmet everyday soup item, that was off by 200 calories! major. and gourmet everyday includes their nutrition facts so no excuses

    its too bad they dont verify the items in the database

    As most items are inputted by members it relies on us to correct things. when you select something if you go to the nutritional info tab it asks you if the information is correct. If you know that it is not correct then fix it so that the next user is not frustrated too. This is how we can all help each other.
  • Hfox3953
    Hfox3953 Posts: 21 Member
    it is getting very hard to search also, with so many duplicates. Also when searching for the simplest of things, strawberries for example, can be really trying....

    This is my biggest issue. When I search for sea salt (just plain salt), I have to scroll down pages of "sea salt chips" and other crap to just find plain ole sea salt. So annoying!

    Does sea salt count as salt?

    No. The sea washes out all the sodium leaving pure protein.

    Where did you get this information from?? Sea Salt is still sodium chloride. It is just less refined and stronger in taste, therefore you can use less than you would of normal table salt.
  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    There needs to be a "report if this item is whack" button. It is becoming tedious to look for simple things.

  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    I don't think people intentionally duplicate food entries. I find most of the time its due to something silly like a spelling error. so when someone goes to search something, the item they are looking for wont show up because it is spelled wrong or has a space somewhere it shouldn't. ultimately I think there should be an option to delete the entry if you were the one who entered it or a duplicate button that would notify a MFP admin to look into it and delete the entry.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    There are people here from all over the world that input things into the database. What is in an item where you are can be completely different than in another part of the world and therefore having different NI. Serving sizes may be different.. etc etc.

    It is a free site. Be thankful for that. I personally wouldn't complain about something I get to use for free when the makers of this site could charge a monthly fee.

    If you don't like the database just add in your own entries. Things are different in different parts of the world. What is right for you may be totally off for someone else and vice versa.
  • horseswinelife
    horseswinelife Posts: 52 Member
    I find that if you are using a mobile app - that scanning the bar code is the best!