Fat people problems!



  • houston_johnson
    houston_johnson Posts: 2 Member
    Love the support! I have opted to share my diary and weight as another avenue of getting suggestions for weight loss or for others to see what I am doing if it is working. Hope all of you are doing well and stay strong!
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far! Awesome! Anyone can feel free to add me :) 137 down, maybe about 60+ to go. My profile is empty (I hate writing those things), but I blog a lot. Love having friends on here to share motivation, support and random thoughts :)
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    I also found a cool website called www.healthywager.com that you can bet on the amount of weight you will loose in the time you setup and can win cash! I bet I would loose 75 pounds in 11 months and I pay $20 every month. If I reach my goal weight they will pay me almost $900. I figure this will help me buy a new wardrobe!!!! I am very excited for me and my family as I am sure I will have much more energy to keep up with all of them!

    LOVE the competition idea! You're actually competing with yourself and I think that helps remind us all that we can't compare ourselves to anyone else, this is OUR journey. Thanks for the info!!

  • ravikeshri1812
    I weigh 86 kilos.
    I am 177 cm in Height.
    Someone Please suggest me how to loose weight.
    i need to loose atleast 8 kilos.
    In need of great help.
  • kellyannecandy
    kellyannecandy Posts: 27 Member
    I'd like to lose about 60 pounds, have tried all the fad diets and decided now its time to eat well and get healthy. Well done on how well you are doing so far!
  • natedoglara
    natedoglara Posts: 27 Member
    I am just getting started as well have a weight loss competition at work we all weighed with our uniforms on came in at three hundred and nineteen pounds looking to get down to 250-260. I took in about 1300 calories yesterday which is pretty damn good for me just got to stay focused
  • blh2611
    blh2611 Posts: 1
    Good luck with your weight loss! I'm just starting off, I have 90lbs I want to lose.
  • britt01any
    britt01any Posts: 83 Member
    Great job so far!! Your story is very motivating!! Thanks for sharing!

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I am just getting started as well have a weight loss competition at work we all weighed with our uniforms on came in at three hundred and nineteen pounds looking to get down to 250-260. I took in about 1300 calories yesterday which is pretty damn good for me just got to stay focused

    You should be eating more than 1300 calories a day. I'm not sure how tall you are. But there is no need to over restrict. Just to give you an example, I am much older than you, female, and lost over 100 lbs eating 1500-1900 calories per day.

    Good luck to you and everyone else.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    I am just getting started as well have a weight loss competition at work we all weighed with our uniforms on came in at three hundred and nineteen pounds looking to get down to 250-260. I took in about 1300 calories yesterday which is pretty damn good for me just got to stay focused

    As a man you should be eating far more than that. I was 333 pounds when I started and I was eating around 2000 calories a day and have lost over 135 pounds. 1300 calories is not sustainable for you. You will lose enormous amounts of muscle mass. You need to rethink and set more sensible and sustainable goals
  • blentsch
    blentsch Posts: 2 Member
    I just started yesterday with 100 at least to lose as well. Feel free to add me too :)
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    You should be eating more than 1300 calories a day. I'm not sure how tall you are. But there is no need to over restrict. Just to give you an example, I am much older than you, female, and lost over 100 lbs eating 1500-1900 calories per day.

    GiveMeCoffee is correct. Any doctor and most health studies will tell you that the average man needs at LEAST 1800 calories per day. 1500 would be the most restrictive and would be monitored by a doctor to ensure it's not putting undue stress on your heart. So have yourself a few more calories. The weight will still come off, in fact it may come off more quickly since your body won't think food is scarce. Good luck! You CAN do this!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    103 down with 48 more to go. Yes, it can be done.

    My tips:
    • get a food scale
    • weigh all solids and semi-solids (ie: peanut butter, mayo, etc) and measure all liquids
    • drink plenty of fluids
    • get a food scale
    • find an activity that you enjoy and will continue to enjoy for a lifetime
    • be patient
    • get a food scale
    • search within yourself for the "why" of putting on so much weight and find solutions
    • be patient
    • get a food scale

    One last thing, get a food scale.
  • jessintn
    jessintn Posts: 1 Member
    I am about 2 weeks in, want to lose 130. Feel free to add me. :)
  • parkeram73
    parkeram73 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm right there with you!! Good luck on your journey to better health!! Feel free to add me!!
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    Add me too!!! I have about ummmm a whole bunch to loose. I don't care though. I'm taking one day at a time!
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    It's very possible.

    Log your food accurately and honestly (digital food scale can help with this)
    Find an activity you enjoy doing
    Have lots and lots of patience
    Don't try to be perfect, work on being consistently better than you were yesterday.
    Have more patience
    Don't fall for all the diet myths that are thrown around, keep it simple and take it 1 lb at a time.
    Understand that weight will fluctuate all the time, so watch for overall trends.
    Don't overly restrict, losing weight doesn't have to be miserable.
    Have some more patience.

    Good luck to you!

    All of this right here, that's what will get you there. Also there will be bad days, take them for what they are bad days, they don't define you.
    Best of luck!
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    What an excellent outpouring of support! You came to the right place and will be encouraged along the way. We love to celebrate each other's successes. Great advice on here. If you want to do it right, make sure you are eating properly. Otherwise you may sabotage your progress. Best of luck on winning your wager!
  • divya008
    divya008 Posts: 3 Member
    it's really easy to lose weight for large people because they have higher metabolic rates whereas people who tend to be less fatter they try more harder to lose weight because their metabolic rates are slower so you all are lucky here because you eat 1200 calories a day you'll lose weight real fast and us if we eat 1200 calories a day we are likely to gain weight so be positive and start losing weight its only good for you and one more thing consume more foods that are in high in fiber it takes longer to digest and keeps you full for longer time and throw away all of your junk foods you are less likely to consume and don't go for shopping ask someone to do write a list of food that you want and give it to them so you are less likely to buy unnecessary foods like junk
  • spoiledrottenprincessgc
    I need help i have 100 pounds to go and I'm getting discouraged please help