Plateau and need a push

up until recently I tracked for 140 days I started this journey about 6 months ago and started great and have been exercsing 5 x a week varying from classes and doing 5 mile runs. Then I got on the scales and my weight has not shifted i know it's not all about this. I have dropped a dress size but am stuck and don't know what to change as would like to lose another size/stone and don't want to go on a crazy diet want to do it healthy. Any ideas or motivation hints and tips would be great after last week I have Re started my streak and started a fresh. four weeks to my holiday and really pushing myself to be the best I can be.


  • nancyjay__
    nancyjay__ Posts: 310 Member
    Hello. So you have been eating and doing the same
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Smaller dress size means the exercise is working :) No significant weight change over all this time means you are eating at maintenance. Probably a combination of overestimating your calories burned and underestimating how much you are eating.
  • sezylou
    sezylou Posts: 22 Member
    Hey nanacyjay yes have been doing same exercise just up the intensity and eating the same.
    Thank you aggelikik
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Could you clarify- how long have you been tracking your food and exercise and are you using MFP's calorie estimates for what you should be eating?

    If you aren't using a food scale, I highly recommend it.
  • sezylou
    sezylou Posts: 22 Member
    Hey sorry Legup,
    I have only just seen your message, Since then I took a month off and have now restarted my journey I went on holiday and put a few pounds on, Now determined more than ever to get these last 21lbs off for good.