


  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I've struggled with acne since I was 13. I've seen multiple dermatologists and was prescribed every topical and oral acne medication there is. Nothing worked except Accutane but the side effects were not worth it. I was eventually told that there is not much else I can do except wait until I grow out of it. When I turned 25 and still had bad acne I decided to do a little research. Found out that there might (and I stress MIGHT) be a link between gluten/wheat and acne. I decided to give up gluten/wheat for a while. Figured there is nothing to lose and not a lot of risk. The result: My skin hasn't looked this good since I was a kid!

    As a disclaimer, I am NOT saying this is proof of a link between acne and gluten/wheat. It may just be a coincidence or some kind of placebo effect. However, I've done my own little experiments where I will eat a bunch of gluten/wheat such as a bowl of pasta and, voila, I have a break out a few days later. I am a science guy and wish I could say there are conclusive studies that prove this but I haven't found them. However, I am happy with my clear skin. I now eat a little bit of gluten/wheat products once in a while and I can still keep my acne under control as long as I don't have a huge amount.

    Might be something to try out.
  • marmaladepixie
    marmaladepixie Posts: 83 Member
    if it came up suddenly, and this is not something normal, could it just be irritation that resembles acne? I've had heat rashes, fungal infections (sorry gross! picked up at gym!) and folliculitis and all just looked like acne comedones. I use a damp paper towel with a splash of witchazel and just quick wipe my face and neck before and after working out. That seems to help a lot. It also could depend on what type of acne you have. Deep painful cystic acne could be hormonal.
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    I do have sensitive skin that gets spotty quite easily - I was a spotty teen! Ooh the witch hazel is a good idea thank you x
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Change your shampoo and conditioner. Lots of products out there for hair are not good for skin.
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    another thing as well - my skin is so itchy all over - I think it might be fabric conditioner? Especially my scalp (not lice haha!!!) My mum is sensitive to fabric conditioner and never used it.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I never had any spots until I was well into my 20's. I'm coming up to 33 and in the last 6 months have had the most horrific chin spots. Mainly since I started back on mfp which is annoying.

    I started using that dermalogica anti bac range about 2 weeks ago and it really seems to be helping control my breakouts. Although a weekend away of eating bad food, drinking alcohol and little sleep combined with TOM has put me back in spotsville today.

    Really gets me down. And mine is probably nothing to those who really suffer with acne.
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    It sounds stupid but when I started cutting out greasy foods, my skin actually got worse before it got better. I went through about six weeks of complete hell, and now my skin is clear (except for the occasional blemish).
  • marmaladepixie
    marmaladepixie Posts: 83 Member
    I just wanted to add, if any of you are taking vitamins, certain ones are linked to breakouts... i've tested this on myself and found this to be accurate, especially B6. If i eat or drink foods fortified with a high percentage (energy drinks,certain protein bars) I get sore under the skin spots around my smile lines and chin within 24 hours. Biotin in high doses, and B12 can have the same effects. When i take omega 3's i also break out with the same type of acne, even though it supposedly fights inflammation. Toothpaste with flouride can cause breakouts around the mouth if you brush right before going to bed and drool (sorry TMI!) it onto your pillow.

    If you are itchy, then it could just be irritation, over dryness or a mild fungal or yeast type thing. a doctor can do a culture to see what it is. Usually, i will try using some of my nizoral shampoo to see if that helps, or spot test with a gel made for yeast infections. If it is fungal, it will usually start to go away within a day or two, but you need to treat for at least a week or things can come back. Fungus and yeast feed off oil, so avoid lotions with oils in them until it clears up. Most of my issues, especially with the chest acne (takes forever to go away!) is that it was sweat related, and any time i would work out and sweat more it would just aggravate things. Using the witch hazel before and immediately after, (I like dickinson's fragrance or additives and has a bit of alcohol) helps keep it from coming back for the most part.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Lots of different types of things can cause breakouts. When I moved last year, my face broke out like crazy. I think it was something in the water. It cleared up after about 6 months.

    Also, f you're not washing your face after exercise, make sure you're doing that. And moisturizing. I'll actually get rashes and breakouts if I don't moisturize enough.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I had bad, bad breakouts all through my teen years and five years ago even did Accutane, which was intense, but did help. I haven't really had any big cysts since.

    Have you changed birth control? When I switched to the implant, my skin got so much worse, but when I went back to another pill, it got better again, then better again still when I went on one specifically designed to help acne.

    Otherwise, gentle cleanser and moisturiser twice a day. Make sure you change your pillowcase once a week. My husband uses Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5%, which helps him, but it never seemed to do anything for me and I kept bleaching my clothing. Probably because my acne is hormonal (it usually is if you're getting breakouts around your chin).