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im looking for more friends on here for motivation! I have anxiety and exercising is helping with that. It's so hard for me to get motivated to get up and go to the gym. I'm also having a hard time staying away from McDonald's and Taco Bell :( any motivating friends are super welcome!!! :D


  • tgardi
    tgardi Posts: 54 Member
    Ha l! I'm having the same issue today. I have to work overtime today and won't get home til late. I've been brainstorming all day trying to figure out what to eat!
  • tuxedokoenma
    tuxedokoenma Posts: 13 Member
    Yes!! Lol I get off work at 10 and luckily two of my friends are going to the gym with me after work but it's hard to not get junk food lol
  • tgardi
    tgardi Posts: 54 Member
    Working as a cop in a school the last few years it's been too easy to go across the street to McDonald's for breakfast or lunch or sometimes both! I haven't been all week so maybe I've broke the habit. I either eat breakfast at home or I bring it and eat it in my office. I bring a lunch and snacks too. But I really couldn't bring a dinner tonight. There's a subway close by. It's not as good as it sounds but it beats the alternative.
  • tuxedokoenma
    tuxedokoenma Posts: 13 Member
    Subways better than McDonald's I'm sure lol I need to start packing my own food to save money and eat healthier but I never have time im always rushing! Lol
  • tgardi
    tgardi Posts: 54 Member
    I do mine the night before. Usually right after I get my uniform ready.