Reaching a BIG goal in a small amount of time.



  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Since you are a little heavier it will be a little bit easier, as long as you have a plan and stick to it. MFP will set a caloric goal, stick to it and LOG EVERYTHING it really keeps you on track. Keep your goal at 2 lbs per week vs. 50 lbs, seems easier for me personally. Lots and lots of water and no sweets, not until xmas, think of how good a xmas cookie will taste if you wait.....don't weigh yourself everyday either, can be discouraging, do it weekly, same time same clothes. We can help you right here with support. Go for it and enjoy Disney!!!!:happy:
  • rdottaylor
    I honestly dont weigh myself and just measure my progress by inches. Last July I did the 30 day shred and lost 10 inches off my middle from 39 inch waist to a 29 that with clean eating and couch to 5 k app and some lifting. Its do able just have to make lifestyle changes and not set a goal just work hard towards burning fat.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I have friends on my list who have lost over 100 in 9 months, and 75ish in 6 months, but It took me almost 2 years to lose about 70-80 so it varies with each person

    best thing you can do is start today and do as well as you possibly can!!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I have lost *almost* 25lbs since March 8th, I hope to lose 50 by October - so 7 months? I eat 1750-2000 calories/day so it's definitely doable (i think). I run and lift weights 3x/week.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    You can do sounds like you are doing it for the wrong reason though. Break it down to small goals...or you will get overwhelmed. And hey, if you are 35lbs less by then you will have succeeded big time! Good luck!
  • pamklass
    pamklass Posts: 17
    I lost 45 in 5 months, and didn't even try THAT hard. But I weight more.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think only you can determine if it's do liable FOR YOU. Whether or not others have succeeded is irrelevant. All I can suggest to you is start today. You may loose fifty lb, you may lose ten. But you will be less than you are today.

    I also strongly suggest ( as one who has been to WDW several times) that you work on your * sedentary lifestyle * cause there will be lots of walking involved)

    I also have a sort of *due date* in mind - I have a family event that I wanted to be down to size 12 by then. And while I know that it may be possible, I also see that it is taking *me* longer to get there. But hey, at last family event i was huge, so anything less than that will be an improvement. Would i like to be a 12? Yes. But i will accept other sizes too because i am on a journey. Meanwhile, i'm doing the best i can and masking sure to tone my body so i will look and feelk better
  • Uselessly_Irrelevant
    Uselessly_Irrelevant Posts: 58 Member
    It's honestly more realistic for me to go by inches. The majority of the time, if I don't see a change in the scale I end up giving up. I CANNOT give up this time. I chose fifty pounds because I thought I looked pretty good in the 150s. The smallest my waist ever was was 34 and now it is around 39. What would a good goal to reach in inches?

    Start now! Not tomorrow, right now. Just put yourself in the mindset that this very minute you are making the decision to change your life :)

    I started in April. I was almost exactly where you were. 202lbs, 38 inch waist.. as of right now I'm 183 and 34 inch waist. That's in 2 months - you can definitely reach your goal by December. I'm getting about 1200-1600cal a day, and I do weight training 3 days a week and at least 20 mins of cardio 3 days a week. I usually do them on the same day, cause why not - save gas on a gym trip.

    So at the risk of sounding redundant, yes your goals are realistic and you can do it! Feel free to add me if you want a friend in the same boat as you. I can poke you with a sharp stick if you start to feel demotivated.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    It's doable. But, I think the focus should be on doing the things you need to do to lose weight. If you say you are going to reduce your calories by 500 a day and you do that then that day you are a success. If you say you are going to burn 500 calories a day in addition to that and you do that you are a success. If you do either one of these things you are a success, because you have created at least a small deficit and it's still a losing day. Another words focus on what you can control and achieve rather than the number on the scale And even if you don't get to 50 pounds gone, you will be much healthier by December.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have a large and possibly unrealistic goal that I have my eyes set on. In December, I'll be going to Disney World for my very first time with my best friend (who has been there 9 times) and I really would love to lose, oh I don't know, like fifty pounds by then... eek. Now, I know this post will most likely attract the usual "MFP is for people trying to lose weight the healthy way" or "It took a while to put on, it will take a while to take off." I completely understand these comments. HOWEVER, I would like to know if anyone out there has achieved a similar a goal in five months. Let me add that I currently weigh 204 pounds, eating very unhealthy, and pretty sedentary. I HAVE lost weight before, so I know that I can do it. I know what I need to do to lose the weight, I just need to stay motivated. I also want to add that I do not want to starve myself in order to reach this goal. So, does anyone out there believe this is doable? Or am I way over my head? Has anyone achieved something like this? If so, how?

    I lost 51 lbs in 6 months.
  • dcarre_34
    dcarre_34 Posts: 4
    Hi there... i had droped about 30 pounds in a month when I went to my 10 year high school reunion....although I don't think it was the healthiest and i didn't keep it off. I did the Master Cleanse which is just lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The maple syrup high quality is supposed to be all the vitamins and minerals your body requires and the cayenne pepper is supposed to clean the plaque off the arteries... it is just hard getting past the first day. But I felt better than I ever did in my life and the whites in my eyes were sparkling white and my skin cleared up. I can't do that now because I am hypoglycemic. I am now on the HCG diet and it is a 500 calorie diet with these drops that equal calories and the drops are supposed to make your fat melt off. Will keep you posted. Anyhow, I wanted to respond to your post because you said it was unrealistic but actually it's's just keeping it off afterwards and unfortunately, i went back to my old eating habits. Now trying to make a lifestyle change and get rid of the gluten and dairy and high sugar... Good luck to you.
  • happyjenny
    happyjenny Posts: 5 Member
    Coming from a Disneyworld fanatic and on our way there in early 2014, I heard that the average person walks 15 miles a day. Not sure the truth in it, but boy I have NEVER had such sore feet when we went and it sure felt like it as it is literally the size of San Francisco! So maybe as motivation you can keep the thought of being able to walk the walk 50 pounds lighter in sight! And make a chart working up the miles or something? Just n idea!
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