
geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
I'm 5'11 with about 125 pounds to lose or maybe closer to 100. We'll see when the numbers start getting closer to that end. I've pretty much always been overweight, but things really started getting out of control a few years back when my dad passed away after my mom had already passed away several years earlier. Through high school and college I had pretty much kept a consistent weight, which then ballooned up about another 70 pounds after that.

I've started and stopped trying to lose weight about a million times since high school, but I've never actually consistently logged, never actually consistently made that effort. I've lost 15 pounds from my highest weight and plateaued for a bit as I stopped logging and got lazier about not wanting to cook, but I'm back on the wagon again. This time I'm going to try posting more and replying to things instead of just lurking in threads. Maybe if I get more involved it will help to keep me motivated.


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited April 2015
    Try to set an example to others; not necessarily here, but to the people you know. When I finally started losing, I didn't talk about it to anyone. Oh, they knew I had joined the Y, and they knew I wasn't eating like I used to, but nobody seemed to put the two together. Now they're like, "You're losing weight! What's your secret?" Well, it took me six months to lose 20 pounds, but they didn't notice it until I started wearing smaller clothes and assumed the 20 pounds disappeared overnight. Of course it took a LOT longer than six months to put it on, so I'm happy.