I'm new to weight loss, eating out is a calorie nightmare!

Hi all,

Thought I would just say hello, I am newly converted to this calorie counting business, and was wondering if anyone has any good tips for eating out?

I have been really shocked at the number of calories in a wide range of foods that I wasn't aware of before, for example, a slice of toast and butter, of which I was eating mountains! I have cut down the carbs in my diet as I realised that I was regularly eating mostly carbs, with not nearly as many fruit and veg as I had imagined! Calorie counting has been a real eye opener, and I now realise just how easy it is to overeat. I intend to continue as I have lost a few pounds and feel really healthy!

However, I don't feel I can talk openly about this as I feel embarrassed to be admitting to trying to lose weight, and this creates problems, for example, I eat out a lot. If I'm in a restaurant and am faced with a giant menu of giant cheesy pizzas, I really struggle to select a low calorie option! Especially if everyone else has some massive burger and chips, I really feel I can't then order a salad! This is resulting in me eating very healthily at home and then dreading eating out (or at someone else's house) as there will be the inevitable dessert which can, if I eat out a few days in a row, ruin my progress. I have been feeling really proud of my progress so far, and really discouraged by the yoyo effect of eating out socially, and putting pounds back on.

Help! Does anyone else struggle with this? I can't be the only person who completely forgets about all my amazing progress every time someone says 'let's go to the pub' and then feels dreadful later? What does everyone eat in these situations?


  • 25sherry
    25sherry Posts: 59 Member
    I have the same problem. Walking in with all intentions of sticking to the plan and then when its time for me to order something else comes out of my mouth!
  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    I often times use the mobile app to plan what I will eat while waiting for a table. Most chain restaurants have some good choices on the menu, replace fries with veggies. You can also ask for a box when they bring your food out. Cut it all in 1/2 and put the other 1/2 in a to go box.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Some of that seems like a willpower issue.

    When it comes to being embarrassed about trying to lose weight, you shouldn't be. You're trying to better yourself. No need to be ashamed of it.

    As for your pizza example, try to go for a thin crust veggie pizza if available. Sure, it's not exactly low in calorie, but it's much better than most of your options.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Most chain restaurants have their menus and nutritional information on-line, so I would research those beforehand to come up with a game plan.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Try and eat light for lunch and breakfast and save up your calories for going out to eat. Or plan going out to eat on your long workout days and push yourself to burn more calories so you can eat more!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Right now I'm scared to death of eating out. I'm a Junk Food Queen of the first magnitude... get me started on berry crepes with whipped cream and maple syrup and it's all over for me.

    I eat at home so I'm not hungry at all (and keep this to myself), then order something tiny and eat it as slowly as possible... plus drink water. Maybe later I'll be able to cope in a better way.
  • teenXidle
    teenXidle Posts: 45 Member
    It gets easier, I promise! I used to avoid eating out all together, but found out that some restaurants post the calories for each item/meal. there are plenty of delicious meals that won't ruin your progress. As for the dessert thing..it's really just a matter of how much self control you have or how badly you want to change. At the end of the day you can be PROUD of yourself and say, "I made the right decision saying no to dessert tonight, and i feel great!"

    The little things add up. Good luck! :)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    However, I don't feel I can talk openly about this as I feel embarrassed to be admitting to trying to lose weight, and this creates problems, for example, I eat out a lot. If I'm in a restaurant and am faced with a giant menu of giant cheesy pizzas, I really struggle to select a low calorie option! Especially if everyone else has some massive burger and chips, I really feel I can't then order a salad!

    oh, yes, you can just order a salad! Just say you're on a weight loss plan, you're on a roll and don't want to derail yourself... and tell everybody else to please go ahead and enjoy themselves. I've done that with no problem.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Another thing I do when everyone else is ordering burgers is to go ahead and order a burger, then eat half of it and ask for a box.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    PLAN AHEAD - On a day that I know I'm going to go out, I have a really healthy breakfast and dinner and I make sure I workout.

    PLAN AHEAD SOME MORE - If I know where we're going (or will likely go), I look up some options on the online menu. Easier to stick with it if it's in my head all day.

    TAKE HALF OF IT TO GO - If I happen to order something big and delicious, I get a to-go box right away and split it up in two. Lunch for tomorrow, yo. :)

    HOW IT'S PREPARED - I try to choose items that are grilled, steamed, poached, broiled. Stay away from fried if you're worried about cooking oils. And watch out for sauces (i.e. Marinara vs Alfredo)

    SO MUCH SALT - Restaurants tend to serve dishes with a LOT of sodium. For breakfast and lunch, try to choose foods with plenty of potassium and drink plenty of water.

    WATER, WATER, WATER - Try to stick to water. Personally, I don't like to waste my calories on my drink unless it has alcohol in it.

    SPLIT A DESSERT - If you really want a dessert, try to find a buddy who's willing to go in on half.... or take the rest home.

    SALAD DANGER - If you're going to go for a fancy salad, watch out! Toppings and dressings can make a salad just as calorie and sodium filled as one of their regular entrees.

    DON'T WORRY - Even after all this, try to enjoy yourself. One meal won't ruin all of your progress.

    JUST SAY NO - If you're invited to go out often, feel free to say "no" once in a while. My husband works in an office and gets asked out to eat at least 3 times a week. As tempting as it is, he says no and sticks to his packed lunch.
  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    If I know I am going to go out to eat, I just look up a food and see how many calories are in that food, then if I have the extra calories to eat something I really want I do, and I also burn more calories so I have extra to binge on, its all about a choice, you have a choice as to what goes in your mouth, and be honest with yourself and write everything in your journal, as you go along you will see what you need to do to step it up and stay on track. I have a variety of foods that I eat. Just dont over due it and the weight with calorie counting and exercise and lots of water will get you there..................don't give up because you eat out alot, most resturants have healthy meal replacements and your not stuck to only eating a salad. Good luck on your journey!!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    You got a lot of great advice on ways to handle eating out here already, so I won't touch on that..... but why do you feel embarrassed about trying to lose weight? If they are good friends, I can't see them judging you. You might get the occasional "indulge a little, it won't hurt", but you'll just need to set them straight on that and eventually they will back off.

    I know you are proud of what you are doing and taking those first steps to a healthier you... but don't hide it.. don't be embarrassed. I'm not saying tell the world every little step you are taking, but I see no reason to have to even explain to anyone why you chose a specific meal. And who knows.... maybe after a while, your friends will follow your lead and order some healthier foods :)

    You are worth it!!!
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Sometimes salads are just as many calories, if not MORE calories than burger and fries. So be careful there.

    Also, you could order a burger and skip the cheese and mustard. Skip any sauce they add to it like ranch or a spicy sauce, or a burger sauce. You can ask for it on the side if you want. If anyone questions you can simply say they put too much on for your tastes. Most places will sub a turkey burger or a chicken breast instead of beef, that could slice some calories. Instead of fries, see if you can order a salad or mixed veggies. Or, if you feel you must order fries, over salt them as soon as they get to your table so you won't eat them. Love over salted fries? "accidentally" sugar the fries instead. Oops - can't eat them now!

    Stay away from anything breaded, if you are eyeing something, say or a sandwich, that uses breaded chicken ask if they can do it grilled. I am sure they can.

    For pizza, look for thin crust. If you want toppings, ask for veggies. Meats will raise the calorie count by a lot typically. But you can always do chicken, but still in my opinion adds useless calories to pizza. Yes it tastes good, but, there isn't really any need for it. You can ask for half the cheese, or just go in knowing you can eat 1-2 slices and be fine. You could do more if there is room. Order a side salad first, ask for no cheese and no croutons. Ask for dressing on the side.

    Try not to order drinks with calories, iced tea is low calorie and wouldn't be that big of a deal to order instead of soda. Or just do water. Wanting alcohol? Research low calorie beers and be aware of what one would be the lowest calorie available at the restaurant you are going to. Or, order vodka and a diet soda or club soda. Or rum. Avoid sugary mixed drinks.

    Look for mini desserts, but even those can be 500 or more calories. If you must have a dessert, share it. If you went out last night and had a dessert, skip it tonight. If the company questions you, I am SURE if you said you just had dessert last night they would understand. If they don't, tell them you are stuffed from dinner.
  • TheHabitsCoach
    I found that when I decide to lose weight I never told anyone that I was on a diet. I didn't want the decision I had made to be the center of any conversation. Plus I'm sorry to say this but your friends can demotivate you especially if they have already tried to lose weight and not succeeded.
    Instead I started to look at my eating and drinking habits while I was at home, in fact I kept a note of my habits over a couple of days and I was amazed at some of my bad habits.
    Once I knew my habits then I picked one and worked on just that one for 30 days and by then it was permanent. My first habit was to stop eating after 9:00 at night. It worked a treat. And I lost weight. Once you have good habits they keep working for you wherever you are. You have a new mindset. If you believe you can you can.
    Too often losing weight is over-complicated. Keep it simple
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Prepare your meals and don't eat out so much... make it ONE lunch/dinner a week.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    i pre-plan what i'm going to eat. If it's a restaurant that doesn't have nutritional information online, then i try to estimate as best i can. some people even take their food scales to the restaurants with them.. i'm not quite that hardcore though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When I was actively trying to lose a lot of weight, I found it best to just skip the restaurants. They cook with tons of butter and oil and portions are huge. I worked in the restaurant biz once upon a time and on average, a restaurant portion is at least 2 servings, sometimes more. When I was actively losing, I treated myself to my favorite restaurant maybe once or twice per month. Even now, it's pretty rare that I eat out at a restaurant.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    However, I don't feel I can talk openly about this as I feel embarrassed to be admitting to trying to lose weight, and this creates problems, for example, I eat out a lot. If I'm in a restaurant and am faced with a giant menu of giant cheesy pizzas, I really struggle to select a low calorie option!

    This was a problem for a little while, then I realized that my friends ARE MY FRIENDS and they were willing to not go to McFatties and instead go to a few better places for my sake. Sometimes it takes some work to make a healthy meal, but TELL YOUR friends you are losign weight, NOT A DIET but changing your lifestyle and the REAL friends will be happy to help.... after they make fun of you a tad.
    Try to plan ahead, and look at the mfp app to plan your meal before you arrive if you can. Sometimes you can get restaurants to make their food lite, or not use as much butter.. etcetc every bit counts. Like Dennys is GREAT about working with you. Make sure when they help out, you tip well.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I often times use the mobile app to plan what I will eat while waiting for a table. Most chain restaurants have some good choices on the menu, replace fries with veggies. You can also ask for a box when they bring your food out. Cut it all in 1/2 and put the other 1/2 in a to go box.
    That's what I do. Order broccoli instead of mashed potatoes or fries. And only eat half. Box it up immediately, so it's not sitting there on the plate, staring at you. lol I will ask for a box to be brought out WITH my food. If the server forgets, I just ask them right away. It helps. Immensely.
  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    This weekend I faced this. I actually looked at the menu's beforehand, earlier in the day, added the calories for what I was going to eat so it was already included. Then, I made sure I exercised. I also downloaded King's Calorie/Carb for my Kindle, because sometimes it's hard to find nutrition info for some restaurants and they have a restaurant section of the most common meals. When I first started, I remember ordering a burger and not thinking much of it and then logging it when I got home and it was 1300 calories. That's my entire day! If you know you're going out to a certain restaurant, add your calories before you go. :) Or, if you are like me and my friends, who can't make a decision for the life of us which of the same 5 restaurants we go to, at least have something you can reference or google nutrition on your phone :):)

    It's crazy! But you can still go out and enjoy yourself every once in a while.

    Add: Also, sometimes when we are out we stop at a fast food place, because of course.. it's fast food. I don't order fries and normally don't eat the bun - the calories and soaked in grease are something I don't need. Just the meat and then order a side of apple slices (most fast food chains have these for kid's meals). Even at Subway, I don't eat all the bread. Just the veggies and/or meat (depending on what I get) first. Most of these restaurant sites (like subway, arby's) have a nutrition calculator you can customize if you don't get something on your meal.