Toughest Times of the Day



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,214 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    What are the toughest times of the day for you ... the times when you're most tempted to eat a little bit more than usual?

    For me, there are 2 times ...

    1) Lunchtime: my coworkers start making their lunches at about 11:30 am ... and the place fills with delicious smells. I don't take my lunch until later.

    2) Right after work. I'm not sure why, but the moment I walk in the house, I'm ready to eat everything in the cupboard.

    2 months in and so far, I've been good ... I haven't given in to temptation at those two times, but there are days when it is really tough. Today, for example, the place smells like an Italian restaurant right now ....

    1) At least though when you're feeling hungry then you are hungry knowing that hunger will soon be satisfied. But maybe break your lunch down a little bit so you can have a small snack about this time?

    2) This might be the best time to plan a large meal then? If your body is demanding food, maybe it's doing so for a reason.

    1) I just tell my stomach and cravings to shut up. Sometimes I go out for a walk. And occasionally I do have a small snack. But a banana just isn't pasta with cheese or a grilled cheese sandwich. :grin:

    2) My husband does the cooking ... and so we eat late. But I have been having a small snack when I get home which helps. Today it was 100 grams of cottage cheese, a pickle, and a wholegrain rye cracker.

  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    3 pm - 5 pm is hard for me. I truly struggle.

    I struggle bc I am bored and alone in the office. If I choose to eat something from the junk cabinet no one sees me so it didnt happen...shameful.

    the danger hours are also a problem time bc I wake at 3:45 am hit the gym by 5:30 am get to the office at 8:30 am and finally eat breakfast. I Lunch at 11:00am. These meal times are too close together. If I had a later lunch I'd be okay.

    What I've done to get over this hump is save all my snacks for late afternoon.