Insanity workout!!

I finally received it today I'm so excited!! I posted about this a week earlier and you guys encouraged me to get it. Hmmm I wonder if I'll still be excited once the video starts? lol


  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    You're going to LOVE it!! I'm on my second round with Insanity ~ the first time around I lost over 20 pounds... I'm now midway into the second round, and am already down almost another 10. It's the best workout I have ever done.. if you want to sync up on beachbody, look me up "tairui2009" I'd love to workout online with you!
  • hmonsour
    hmonsour Posts: 3
    Did you do the p90x prior to this or are you going full-force into the insanity? I got my p90x DVDs 2 days the "watch this first" dvd, there were 2 bonus workouts - the first one was 48 minutes; I could only go forward up to 20 minutes...and for the rest of the time, I finished watching the workout session but used a 10lb weight for lifting (circular in shape), and applied the resistance to leg lifts, crunches, and situps. I know the muscles are tight and sore, and its been heavy so to speak, to walk...but i am hoping that in a few days, I can start the actualy p90x program. I have been using this site to montior my food intake and its helped tremendously because of the intake awareness factor. I have also realized (did not know this prior to because I never really paid attention) - that it will be essential to maintain the calorie intake, so even when working out adds to the calorie goal by subtracting, it will be important to bring up your food intake back to the calorie goal....anyways - best of luck and let us know how it goes for you - feel free to add me or message me the progress if you dont add! :)
  • hmonsour
    hmonsour Posts: 3
    Hi Tairui2009,

    What you say "work out online" - what does that mean? Can you actually see each other workout through an application? I've been wanting to do the online video buddy thing - I just got my p90x and they offered to sign up for a coach - is this similar to what you are talking about? Feel free to message me the info if you have the time and dont mind! Thank you.
  • tracylea_2003
    I start week 3 of insanity on Monday!! I hope you get the results your looking for and good luck!
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I have not done the P90X. I seen an ad for the Insanity workout. Would you recomend?? Does it have strength training and cardio together? I am doing the 30 day shred and I have to add cardio on because I do not think I am getting enoughwith it.

  • KatsyaK
    KatsyaK Posts: 3
    I just completed the fit test for the first time and wow that was tough...I will officially start tomorrow ..I hope I survive LOL