30 LBS to Lose after ED

I had an eating disorder, and originally gained 100+ pounds. I've since lost it, and have 31.6 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight (which was my lowest weight). I used to binge, overexercise, and a bunch of other ED baddies that are no longer part of my life. I have been tempted to start overexercising to lose weight fast (I used to lose 1-2 pounds PER DAY!), but I know that it is unhealthy. So, I am determined to stick to my 1200 calorie diet, and not overexercise even though it means my usual weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week now (vs. per day like when I was overexercising). I would love to find friends that are going slow and healthy with their weight loss, and especially people recovering from ED'S. If you name it, I most likely have some experience with it. Lana