Looking ahead a little here but input welcome.

I am not at my goal yet,I still have 14 pounds to go but I have started to think ahead about maintaining when I do get there.

I am 5ft 1 and weighed 171 when I rejoined after falling off the wagon,today I weigh 146 and my initial goal will be 132 then I will re-evaluate to see if I want to lose more but I am already heading to a uk size 12 in most clothes and do think I quite like myself at around 132.

Anyway that's not the point and I am rambling here.

MFP set me at 1200 calories to lose weight,it worked great although lately it has slowed a bit so rather than losing a pound a week it has been a pound over 8-10 days perhaps.

Since I discovered healthier foods filling those calories has been easy and some days I do come in at 1100-1150 I am never hungry and feel perfectly well on that.

So to maintain when the time comes I need to take into account that the loss is already slowing down at 1100-1200.

I was thinking that when the time comes since I am perfectly happy at 1200 if I am no longer losing I might just stick to that,if I am still losing I thought it might be an idea to put my goal at 0.5 pounds for a while which is an extra 170 cals per day and see how I go over a period of say a month.

Currently MFP says 1600 to maintain,I understand as I get lighter that amount will reduce but I honestly know if I ate that much now I would gain weight,it's too much for me,I am tiny and have a very sedentary lifestyle.

So if by then I am no longer losing at 1200 can I just stick at that? If I am losing a bit still but decide to stop is the 0.5 pound per week a good starting point?

I know it's 14 pounds away but I am so pleased with the results so far and Ihate the idea of putting it all back on so I need some guidance ahead of time,thankyou and sorry for rambling on.


  • edellaSut
    edellaSut Posts: 22 Member
    I actually use keto calculator to set my numbers (or actually my desired % values), and then transfer them here. I weigh myself only once a month and re-do keto calculator, inputting in my newest current weight. Then I amend the percentages for the next month here. If you don't do this, you will be eating too much protein for your current weight, and some of the excess protein will be converted to fat and stored. That's why weight loss can slows down or even stops. One really useful feature of keto calculator is that when you are the weight you want to be, it will tell you your maintence values. Transfer these over here, and you are good to go forever more. (I love my fitnesspal, and its made semi-automatic everthing I used to do manually. I am diabetic and must keep a detailed diary, and this is far more accurate and faster than the old way. The food database is fabulous, and it looks like half of the entire ocado stock is already there!) I've just done this month's weigh-int, which is 244 lbs and this month's daily goals are CAl:1200 F:87g CHO: 30g P: 75g. I do intermittent fasting as well, with windows of 16hrs fasting and 8 hours eating (11am to 8pm ONLY) - this works out to 2 meals a day so I am satiated and not hungry either.) I've actually eaten LCHF for over ten years, although not always to such a thorough state of nutritional ketosis! Congratulations on your own weight loss - don't lose too much though. Remember the famous saying by someone very famous and fashionable: past a certain age, one has to choose between the face and the backside, as you can't retain both! (I am 73, and assuming that my face will probably be more socially useful than my backside...)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Omg, we are (almost) the same person! I have the same amount to go and I'm just a few inches taller than you. This is exactly what I'm wondering about and I'd love to hear the advice you get.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you're happy to keep eating at 1200 and feel satisfied then of course you can keep on eating at that...but once you get to goal and you don't want to keep on losing then you have to eat more or you will continue losing. If you are sedentary and maintenance is 1600 you'll end up enjoying the extra cals, I know I do :smile:

    Keep up the great work! :smiley:

    Fyi I'm 5ft 2 and have been maintaining my goal range for over 8 months (133-137lbs)
    I'm very active - maintain on 2100 gross cals/lose eating 1800.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited April 2015
    So if you are losing fairly consistently 1lb every 10 days then your maintenance calories are roughly 350 more a day than you are eating now. 1450-1500.
    Really wouldn't start going back to calculators when you have your own data to use. Your own data also corrects any logging inaccuracies which calculators can't.

    The easiest way to get to eat more is to stop having "a very sedentary lifestyle" if you can. Not just for weight maintenance but also for your general health.
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    The best thing is to get to your goal weight, then at that time determine how many calories (on average) you will need to maintain that weight. As you get lighter and smaller, your break-even caloric needs decrease. This is why the same number of calories (1200) started to not give you the results you initially had with that amount. You won't know the exact amount of calories you need to maintain a particular weight until you get there, and monitor it for a month or two.