Pressure is on

reght Posts: 3 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi! First time on here. Throughout my day I'm constantly trying to behave in ways that will help me get to my ideal medically recommended weight - sort of a last ten pounds deal. But it seems even with the changes I've made like walking and jogging daily, stretching while watching tv, adding other exercise apps and doing 7-min workouts, etc I still am gaining weight in problem areas. Perhaps most frustrating of all is that I've changed my diet considerably eating out only once a week, adding plenty of fruits and vegetables into my diet and eating less generally especially between meals. I guess I need support as I try to maintain these habits and seek out more ways to achieve my fitness goals! Let's help each other out - it's tough.


  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    CICO. If you start weighing your foods and following mfp calorie recommendations you will start losing weight. Even if you change the food you are eating but you continue eating too much you will gain weight. Calories in needs to be less than calories out. Good luck!