Interesting quiz: What's your Habit Personality?



  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    Upholders respond readily to both outer and inner expectations: they meet deadlines and keep New Year’s resolutions without much struggle or supervision. Upholders take great satisfaction from moving smoothly through their daily schedule and their to-do lists. They meet others’ expectations—and their expectations for themselves. However, Upholders may feel uneasy when expectations aren’t clear, when they’re worried that they’re breaking the rules, or when they feel overwhelmed by expectations they seek to meet. They enjoy habits, and form habits fairly easily. If you want to learn more about the "upholder" tendency, please go to Gretchen Rubin’s website for a full report and to add your email to her mailing list.
    segacs wrote: »
    Upholders probably have the easiest time sticking to weight loss and exercise plans if they simply decide to make these things part of their habits. They're the ones who likely respond best to "just do it". If you're an upholder, deciding to schedule calorie tracking or workouts into your routine, and focusing on the how, probably work best for you. Fitbits and trackers and convenience meal plans are useful for upholders, since these things help them with their habit forming. External support is helpful for upholders, especially at the beginning, but they're likely fine without it too because once they decide to lose weight, they just do it.

    Yeah, this is definitely me.

  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    obliger and its so true. as pathetic as it may sound i am more likely to do something for somene else then really give a *kitten* about doing it for me.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    fishshark wrote: »
    obliger and its so true. as pathetic as it may sound i am more likely to do something for somene else then really give a *kitten* about doing it for me.

    Not pathetic at all. Actually according to the researcher, it's the most common type. Caring about other people is a virtue.
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    I'm an upholder and it makes complete sense. I love having and setting goals and reaching them. It seems like if I start to do something long enough it becomes a habit. Which is why I think myfitnesspal has been so easy for me. If I want to stop a habit I usually have to mentally tell myself to stop for a couple of days and the habit is gone from my memory. Although I am having a little trouble doing this with my cravings for sweets though, I was able to hold off for about 3 months of not eating candy but something broke my cycle and it came back full force -_-
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    I'm an upholder and it makes complete sense. I love having and setting goals and reaching them. It seems like if I start to do something long enough it becomes a habit. Which is why I think myfitnesspal has been so easy for me. If I want to stop a habit I usually have to mentally tell myself to stop for a couple of days and the habit is gone from my memory. Although I am having a little trouble doing this with my cravings for sweets though, I was able to hold off for about 3 months of not eating candy but something broke my cycle and it came back full force -_-
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Oh, I'm a rebel. Through and through. But I could have told you that even before taking the quiz! But I'm a smart rebel and I totally see through attempts to manipulate me by using reverse psychology. So having someone challenge me by saying "I'll bet you can't...." Or through criticism ("you're so lazy") will backfire every time. I do love to prove people wrong... But I will not be controlled and I can smell manipulation a mile away. I will gladly give up proving people wrong if it means proving they can't control me.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Questioner, no doubt about it.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Definitely a Questioner.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I'm an Upholder, which makes sense. I never understood how people can decided they want to do something and then not do it. If I've made my mind up, I'm going to do it, unless the situation radically changes and I can't. I've had friends remark on how focused I am on losing weight and I never know how to respond other than it's something that I decided that I wanted to do, so I'm doing it.
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    Rebel.. Not surprised.
  • Malteaster
    Malteaster Posts: 75 Member
    I'm an obliger which explains why I do better attending WW meetings, even if I do not follow the plan because otherwise I keep thinking that I will just eat this chocolate bar or that dessert and start dieting tomorrow.
  • 00figg
    00figg Posts: 111 Member
    totally an OBLIBER. which explains why i will go to zumba with friends but can't seem to drag myself to the gym on my own, even with the judicious use of self-threats or the promise of rewards... :neutral:
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Rebel. I'm not particularly rebellious, though; flaky seems a better fit.
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    I'm an upholder. Pretty much me to a T.
  • JeopardyRight
    JeopardyRight Posts: 331 Member
    Upholders respond readily to both outer and inner expectations: they meet deadlines and keep New Year’s resolutions without much struggle or supervision. Upholders take great satisfaction from moving smoothly through their daily schedule and their to-do lists. They meet others’ expectations—and their expectations for themselves. However, Upholders may feel uneasy when expectations aren’t clear, when they’re worried that they’re breaking the rules, or when they feel overwhelmed by expectations they seek to meet. They enjoy habits, and form habits fairly easily.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Upholder to a T. It's all true. I'm a rule follower because it's a rule. I just want to know what to do and then be left alone to do it. It makes all my bosses love me, but makes me a terrible boss myself because "why can't people just follow the frickin' rules?!" Lol. :)
    ^^^Definitely this for me. I can totally relate to all of this. ^^^
    I've had friends remark on how focused I am on losing weight and I never know how to respond other than it's something that I decided that I wanted to do, so I'm doing it.
    ^^^ This too. I told one friend that I wish I could put my determination in a bottle and sell it. ^^^
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Upholder. ... it does fit me, but I thought questioner was a good possibility too. People always tell me I ask too many questions lol. I can't help if I like to be informed :p
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    Questioner... yes, definitely me - particularly the bits about taking control ("control freak" - helllooo!), being a sceptic, and the maths and science behind things...

    yep, yep, yep...
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    I've seen several Upholders with scores of 4. I was a score of 6 Upholder. I wonder what the difference is. It would be nice to have a scale or something.

    My Upholder score was 5....

  • mskurski
    mskurski Posts: 31 Member
    Rebel here, which doesn't surprise me. Following rules has always been an issue w me. I hate high demands pple try to put on me. I kinda like a free spirit, except me for who I am and you will hv a loyal friend that will be there for you. You become demanding, I will drop you like a hot potato. THATS ME!