Weight Loss for Women (Sorry men)

clhenderson2 Posts: 107 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi there! So recently I have decided to take my weight gain seriously and do something about it. This led me to do research on health and weight loss and I discovered something quite interested that I wanted to share with the ladies. Men tend to have an easier time with weight loss than women, why? One word: LEPTIN. Leptin is the primary hormone that regulates fat loss and the amount of leptin found among men and women differs significantly! The good news is women have twice as much leptin than men, but the bad news is leptin sensitivity differs among men and women which usually causes the difference between how men and women lose weight and their approach should differ as well. In other words, women needs a diet that is specifically designed for our bodies and hormones. One dieting approach may work well for your spouse, but not as well for you. Although women carries twice as much leptin than men we tend to be more resistant towards it. Which is why some diets may give us temporary weight loss, but we experience the weight gain again. Soon I will post links that will explain leptin resistance. Thanks for reading!!

DISCLAIMER: I'm only sharing information that I have learned from experts. Anything I post does not originate from me and I have no intention of taking credit. ☺️