MFP core values and beliefs

Anybody want to help a lady out with her community studies class and talk about what you believe are some of the widely shared values and core beliefs of MFP community members?!?


  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    -Weigh your food and be honest with your logging
    -Find exercises you enjoy doing to stay motivated
    -Learn to cook
    -Dont deprive yourself, moderation is important
    -You will have good days and bad days, accept it, forgive yourself and move on
    -Its ok to indulge from time to time, vacations and holidays are meant to be fun, not anxiety filled because food is involved
    -CICO for weightloss, healthy food for energy, performance and to feel good

    I'm sure theres more, but thats what I got from the 3 years I've been here