Today is the DAY

katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
Hello everyone! I'm a 39 year old mother of 2. I have been struggling with weight gain throughout my 30's. I started noticing that I was increasing pants sizes every year around 27, it's been down hill from there. My goal is to feel better by 40, that is less than 1 year! Not sure if I can do it or not. I'm terrible about sticking to it! Commitment issues I guess haha! I'm to the point where I look in the mirror and say "Who is that woman?" I don't like the way she looks, I don't even recognize me! So here I am. Took my before pics this morning and think I may have puked a little haha!

Here we are right in the middle of bathing suit season and I don't even want to put on shorts. I hate it because I love summer and everything about it (like ice cream:happy: ) My BFF told me that when I've had enough then I will do something about it, well I have had enough! It is time! I hope to be an encouragement to others and TODAY IS THE DAY! I hope my ticker starts moving SOON!

Have a blessed day!


  • AkAmber
    AkAmber Posts: 40
    Hi Kat! I think you're going to love it here. Like you, I have trouble sticking to things when it comes to weight loss. I think you're going to like it here - everyone is very supportive and the site is the perfect mix - plenty of resources, but not so much to do that it becomes a big chore.

    I wanted to say one thing in particular - you said you wanted to feel better by 40, which is less than a year away. I think you can FEEL better in a week or two once you start eating right and exercising! I always start to really feel it about a week in. That becomes its own incentive to keep going!

    Let's see your ticker in your sig! :)
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    Good luck!! This is a terrific place to find support. Definitely know what you mean about not recognizing the person in the mirror...but, everyday is a good day, and a new day to work at being your best!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks! So far, I really like it. I can see how it can be the new facebook! There is so much to read and the blogs are interesting. I hope I don't get too addicted to this site and not want to get off the couch! I think I can do it, I'm going to try to change some major lifestyle routines. One day at a time...
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    Your posting is the first step in the right direction. I think you will experience the benefits of a lifestyle change of diet & exercise once you get going. Best regards as you continue your journey.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You CAN do this Kat!!

    Promise yourself to keep logging EVERY day. In about a month, it will seem second nature. Don't let the fact that you might be spending a lot of time on MFP during the first couple of weeks throw you. It takes time to get used to the site, and to build your favorites and recent food lists in the diary, which makes your food entry faster.

    A hint to help you with questions, in the community tab, which is where you are when you are reading this, is a "search" option at the top of the page, click it, put in your topic/key word, and you can pull prior posts with info related to your search. It can save you posting questions that have already been answered, and if you find something you want to ask about, just post on that existing thread, which will put it up in the recent posts area where others can respond to it. Another trick to finding threads you have posted on is to go to "my topics" also at the top of this page--where the topics you have posted in will show. When you have posted on more than 25 topics, the ones that show will be the 25 most recently active threads that you have posted in. Also, after you have some posts "under your belt", if you want to go back and look at something you wrote but maybe can't remember in what thread, or you want to look through what someone else posted, notice the number of posts showing under your (& their) avatar. When you click on that number, all the posts for that person will come up in a listing, most recent first.

    This website can change your life. When I started in April of 2009, I couldn't imagine ever weighing what I do now. I still have more to go, but to be under 200 lbs. for the first time in 13 years, and to have maintained my loss without yo yo-ing is a major accomplishment.

    If you are following a particular eating plan, MFP will help you keep track of your nutrition. If you are just trying to make better choices and control your calorie consumption, this site will open your eyes to how many calories you are REALLY consuming, and enable you to make changes.

    Support is very important to your success, and you will find plenty of it here!!! Welcome, and Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Wow, thanks Link! Congrats to you with your weight loss journey. I first goal is to get out of the 220's, I may do cartwheels when I get under 200! My friend said the other day "I am so close to getting under 200 just 12 more pounds to go" My response " oh me too just 28 more to go !!!" Feels so very far away. I took Fentermine in 2008 and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. I have been so tempted to get back on it knowing full well that as soon as I stopped taking it I was starving and gained it all back plus 15 more pounds. I need this site and hopefully meeting new people with the same goals will help me stay focused and accountable.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Welcome! You CAN do this! Starting is the biggest step and it sounds like you are committed. The best thing you could EVER do is log everything you eat here. It is the best tool IMO.

    I can't wait to see your ticker move too!

    Best of Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    You can absolutely do this. We have good days and bad days, but the idea is to begin a healthier lifestyle not just a diet. I wish you well! :flowerforyou: