motivated but exhausted

f_tothe3rd Posts: 23 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week on a drilling rig in the middle of nowhere. I do all my workouts with bodyweight alone.trying to bulk. Advice welcomef


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Do you have access to a gym? There are plenty of men (and women) where I am who train whilst doing FIFO work.... They have to dedicate themselves to training either before or after their shift, but they make it work. Many also prep for bodybuilding comps too...

    I think you'd need access to weights to make serious gains,there is only so much bodyweight stuff you can do.
  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah what the above person said.

    You can't do a successful bulk without lifting some heavy *kitten* weights if your goal is to build strength and muscle.

    To get any form of workout from bodywork exercises you'll need to look at insanely high rep ranges, which would thus be considered cardio workouts.. Which you shouldn't be doing much of if your goal is to put on weight.
  • f_tothe3rd
    f_tothe3rd Posts: 23 Member
    Don't have access to gym, I can only get about 5 hours of sleep a day due to travel. Currently I am doing 6 sets of 50 pushups, 6 sets of 50 squats, 6 sets of 50 calf raises and 2 minute plank every day after work. I have been able to consistently increase my reps and have gained about 7 pounds in the last 6 months. I can. Squeeze that routine into a 30 minute window. Trying to keep the duration as small as possible to try and reduce the amount of time my heart rate is elevated so I don't burn too many calories. I work two weeks then have two weeks off where I can lift heavy.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Can you take resistance bands with you? That might expand your range of exercises and load... Wouldn't take up much room either.
  • f_tothe3rd
    f_tothe3rd Posts: 23 Member
    That's a good idea. I'm new to the bulking so still finding my plan. I lost about 30lbs, I got down to 168 and stopped my cardio. I've increased my calorie intake and have been doing the routine above. I'm 5-10 and up to 175, pretty lean.