How many calories burned?

What is the most accurate site to calculate calories burned? I entered one hour push mowing and the number was huge, would love to believe it, but doubt it.


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    They are all going to be a bit of an estimate since none of them calculate in how hard you actually worked and your current physical shape. You can purchase a heart rate monitor and they will do a better job at calculating how much you're burning.
  • michael_jordan7
    michael_jordan7 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Heart rate monitors are only accurate for some steady state cardio. They are not accurate for things like lawn mowing, leisurely walking, Zumba, yoga, lifting, etc.