Cheat Days



  • pebbe
    pebbe Posts: 6 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" as such, but I allow myself to relax my regime a bit more at weekends, especially if I am seeing friends; and then try to exercise more to balance it all out.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have so many food intolerance (i.e completely gluten-free since 1995 before it was well know) that I've had to be disciplined, know what I am putting in my body, do most of my own cooking so that for me a cheat day is a day where I eat a food that I'm borderline intolerant of -- having cheese once a month or so knowing it will give me dark circles under my eyes, for instance. Or garlic makes all my joints ache is another example. For me it is not so much about the calories as the other things that negatively affect my body that I plan for on special occasions and would be the closest thing a person might consider "cheat" days. I always pay for them and they are relatively rare. :wink:

    On a normal basis, I do have things I love almost every day so I never feel deprived.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited April 2015
    Can you all just shut up about what you call it, or how you 'prefer to reference it'. Nobody cares. Some of you guys way over think things and regurgitate lines from your beloved health mags. She (the OP) had a question about cheat days. Have a cheat day and make it awesome. Go to work and be disciplined 6 days a week and then eat as your heart desires. Just make that cheat day about eating what you want. It's great for your soul. If you listen to some of these guys you will burn out, hbarnesccs.

    No moderation will not cause you to burn out. Moderation is what makes a diet sustainable. I eat regular servings of the foods I love and fit them in my calories because this is the way I plan on eating after I lose the weight. Many of us that do that don't need cheat days because we don't deprive ourselves to begin with. Depriving yourself is what will lead to burn out. Cheat days are one of my pet peeves. If you need a cheat day, then you are doing something wrong and may need to reevaluate your diet to see if it's something that will be sustainable for you in the long term. Now I can see OPs point about get togethers and not counting calories on certain days when it's not practical, but honestly, I don't agree with planning a weekly cheat day and suffering through the whole week to get to that day. Like I said, if it's that hard that you need to have a break, you might need to reevaluation what you're doing.

    By the way, moderation is one of the main ways most people fit foods into their diet on this site. If you don't agree with it, you are in the minority, and perhaps this isn't the place for you.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited April 2015
    I've always found the term 'cheat day' to be odd. As shared above.. 'who we cheatin?' Treat day...see now that has a nice ring to it, we'll see if it catches on. lol
    Can you all just shut up about what you call it, or how you 'prefer to reference it'. Nobody cares.


    LOL Actually I did enjoy your post, it was to the point and makes sense regarding what she asked. I simply tossed my view in because I hate the term 'cheat day'... it's the most bizarre term to be used on here.

    @ChaseRobinson85 I actually didn't see your post until after I'd already 'not shut up and realized nobody cared'. ;)
  • ChaseRobinson85
    ChaseRobinson85 Posts: 3 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Can you all just shut up about what you call it, or how you 'prefer to reference it'. Nobody cares. Some of you guys way over think things and regurgitate lines from your beloved health mags. She (the OP) had a question about cheat days. Have a cheat day and make it awesome. Go to work and be disciplined 6 days a week and then eat as your heart desires. Just make that cheat day about eating what you want. It's great for your soul. If you listen to some of these guys you will burn out, hbarnesccs.

    No moderation will not cause you to burn out. Moderation is what makes a diet sustainable. I eat regular servings of the foods I love and fit them in my calories because this is the way I plan on eating after I lose the weight. Many of us that do that don't need cheat days because we don't deprive ourselves to begin with. Depriving yourself is what will lead to burn out. Cheat days are one of my pet peeves. If you need a cheat day, then you are doing something wrong and may need to reevaluate your diet to see if it's something that will be sustainable for you in the long term. Now I can see OPs point about get togethers and not counting calories on certain days when it's not practical, but honestly, I don't agree with planning a weekly cheat day and suffering through the whole week to get to that day. Like I said, if it's that hard that you need to have a break, you might need to reevaluation what you're doing.

    By the way, moderation is one of the main ways most people fit foods into their diet on this site. If you don't agree with it, you are in the minority, and perhaps this isn't the place for you.

    What? Am I in the minority? Really? You know the thoughts, theory's and opinions of every MyFitnessPal community member? How in the hell do you know what she needs or wants to eat? Do you think everyone's brain/body chemistry is the same? And if I don't conform to your way of thinking then I should leave? WOW. I'm not going to waste my time debating your poor sense of logic. As we like to say here in Nashville, Bless your heart.
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    I haven't used any cheat days at this point. I'm not sure if I will in the future. Like some of the folks said, I have been trying to fit the things I like into my meal plan. Right before Easter I had Zachary's Chicago Style Pizza, one slice at a time, two meals a day, for three days in a row, along with a green salad. I logged my meals. Didn't stress. And made sure I was under in my calories, micros, and macros. I planned ahead. It was not a spur of the moment thing. I think you have a great attitude about your church socials. You have a plan, and you are comfortable with it. Life is short. Enjoy your time with your family and friends. As long as you are meeting your personal goals it is all good.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't have "cheat days". I have a calorie deficit that is a range. I eat a little less a few days out of the week, and eat above maintenance one day a week. I look for a weekly net calorie intake that will give me a .5 lb per week loss.
  • i don't have "cheat days" i have cheat meal its better ,i think cheat day will make you get some fat lol
  • alone_aqua
    alone_aqua Posts: 28 Member
    It's my experience (like most things) you'll have to find out how much your body can "handle" without stunting your progress. Personally, I do not schedule cheat days. I find that a random outing or surprise party leave enough room for naughty behavior that I don't need to plan it out. Plus psychologically I find scheduling them compels me to really really look forward to them and therefore not look forward to eating healthfully most of the time. I'm a mesomorph, I can lose weight and gain weight pretty easily. So if I do cheat it's typically my favorite foods, not just sorta-kinda-bad foods, I'm talking jumbo buttery croissants or a large slice of cheesecake. I've read a lot of articles about how bad cheat days can be for new dieters because they make new habits harder to form. You may be better of focusing on reshaping your thinking about food entirely (cold turkey on all garbage) OR finding clean version of all of your favorite foods. I prefer the former, I'm an all or nothing type of girl. Good luck!!
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Can you all just shut up about what you call it, or how you 'prefer to reference it'. Nobody cares. Some of you guys way over think things and regurgitate lines from your beloved health mags. She (the OP) had a question about cheat days. Have a cheat day and make it awesome. Go to work and be disciplined 6 days a week and then eat as your heart desires. Just make that cheat day about eating what you want. It's great for your soul. If you listen to some of these guys you will burn out, hbarnesccs.

    No moderation will not cause you to burn out. Moderation is what makes a diet sustainable. I eat regular servings of the foods I love and fit them in my calories because this is the way I plan on eating after I lose the weight. Many of us that do that don't need cheat days because we don't deprive ourselves to begin with. Depriving yourself is what will lead to burn out. Cheat days are one of my pet peeves. If you need a cheat day, then you are doing something wrong and may need to reevaluate your diet to see if it's something that will be sustainable for you in the long term. Now I can see OPs point about get togethers and not counting calories on certain days when it's not practical, but honestly, I don't agree with planning a weekly cheat day and suffering through the whole week to get to that day. Like I said, if it's that hard that you need to have a break, you might need to reevaluation what you're doing.

    By the way, moderation is one of the main ways most people fit foods into their diet on this site. If you don't agree with it, you are in the minority, and perhaps this isn't the place for you.

    You my dear are ridiculous! I do not deprive myself for the week. I do not wipe out all my hard work in one day. I moderately eat treats all week. But, ya know what? Sometimes I am just going to want 8 oz of buttery cheesy pasta. It does not matter what my deficit is on a daily basis it would never be enough. All you ppl who get all angry and snobby about the word cheat day sound hangry. I mean seriously your way is not the only right way. I have been doing this a little over 2 months and I have lost 26 lbs. Obviously I figured out what works for me. I plan to stay here because this is where I want to be. To say I can fit all things I love to eat in moderation is ridiculous because you have no idea what I eat. I am making a lifestyle change not a freaking diet. I will continue to defend the idea of a cheat day. I am not stupid I realize you can't cheat your body but, it is an easy word to convey what I am doing. I could careless if it annoys all you semantic crazies.

  • Pelamblue
    Pelamblue Posts: 177 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Can you all just shut up about what you call it, or how you 'prefer to reference it'. Nobody cares. Some of you guys way over think things and regurgitate lines from your beloved health mags. She (the OP) had a question about cheat days. Have a cheat day and make it awesome. Go to work and be disciplined 6 days a week and then eat as your heart desires. Just make that cheat day about eating what you want. It's great for your soul. If you listen to some of these guys you will burn out, hbarnesccs.

    No moderation will not cause you to burn out. Moderation is what makes a diet sustainable. I eat regular servings of the foods I love and fit them in my calories because this is the way I plan on eating after I lose the weight. Many of us that do that don't need cheat days because we don't deprive ourselves to begin with. Depriving yourself is what will lead to burn out. Cheat days are one of my pet peeves. If you need a cheat day, then you are doing something wrong and may need to reevaluate your diet to see if it's something that will be sustainable for you in the long term. Now I can see OPs point about get togethers and not counting calories on certain days when it's not practical, but honestly, I don't agree with planning a weekly cheat day and suffering through the whole week to get to that day. Like I said, if it's that hard that you need to have a break, you might need to reevaluation what you're doing.

    By the way, moderation is one of the main ways most people fit foods into their diet on this site. If you don't agree with it, you are in the minority, and perhaps this isn't the place for you.

    You my dear are ridiculous! I do not deprive myself for the week. I do not wipe out all my hard work in one day. I moderately eat treats all week. But, ya know what? Sometimes I am just going to want 8 oz of buttery cheesy pasta. It does not matter what my deficit is on a daily basis it would never be enough. All you ppl who get all angry and snobby about the word cheat day sound hangry. I mean seriously your way is not the only right way. I have been doing this a little over 2 months and I have lost 26 lbs. Obviously I figured out what works for me. I plan to stay here because this is where I want to be. To say I can fit all things I love to eat in moderation is ridiculous because you have no idea what I eat. I am making a lifestyle change not a freaking diet. I will continue to defend the idea of a cheat day. I am not stupid I realize you can't cheat your body but, it is an easy word to convey what I am doing. I could careless if it annoys all you semantic crazies.

    I like you hahaha
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    Random days... I just make sure it's before leg day
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Pelamblue wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Can you all just shut up about what you call it, or how you 'prefer to reference it'. Nobody cares. Some of you guys way over think things and regurgitate lines from your beloved health mags. She (the OP) had a question about cheat days. Have a cheat day and make it awesome. Go to work and be disciplined 6 days a week and then eat as your heart desires. Just make that cheat day about eating what you want. It's great for your soul. If you listen to some of these guys you will burn out, hbarnesccs.

    No moderation will not cause you to burn out. Moderation is what makes a diet sustainable. I eat regular servings of the foods I love and fit them in my calories because this is the way I plan on eating after I lose the weight. Many of us that do that don't need cheat days because we don't deprive ourselves to begin with. Depriving yourself is what will lead to burn out. Cheat days are one of my pet peeves. If you need a cheat day, then you are doing something wrong and may need to reevaluate your diet to see if it's something that will be sustainable for you in the long term. Now I can see OPs point about get togethers and not counting calories on certain days when it's not practical, but honestly, I don't agree with planning a weekly cheat day and suffering through the whole week to get to that day. Like I said, if it's that hard that you need to have a break, you might need to reevaluation what you're doing.

    By the way, moderation is one of the main ways most people fit foods into their diet on this site. If you don't agree with it, you are in the minority, and perhaps this isn't the place for you.

    You my dear are ridiculous! I do not deprive myself for the week. I do not wipe out all my hard work in one day. I moderately eat treats all week. But, ya know what? Sometimes I am just going to want 8 oz of buttery cheesy pasta. It does not matter what my deficit is on a daily basis it would never be enough. All you ppl who get all angry and snobby about the word cheat day sound hangry. I mean seriously your way is not the only right way. I have been doing this a little over 2 months and I have lost 26 lbs. Obviously I figured out what works for me. I plan to stay here because this is where I want to be. To say I can fit all things I love to eat in moderation is ridiculous because you have no idea what I eat. I am making a lifestyle change not a freaking diet. I will continue to defend the idea of a cheat day. I am not stupid I realize you can't cheat your body but, it is an easy word to convey what I am doing. I could careless if it annoys all you semantic crazies.

    I like you hahaha

    Thanks! I try. It seems this topic pops up every day at least once and some ppl just sound like they know everything and they couldn't possibly be wrong. It is incredibly aggravating!

  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    I do a cheat meal. So, like, most of the time its a Saturday - or if I know I am going out to eat, that will be my meal. I am still paying attention to how much I am eating, and stop when I am full - but I will certainly have some fries and a cocktail.
  • Hollisamara
    Hollisamara Posts: 106 Member
    I don't schedule them but I try to 'hold out' until Saturday's and if I fancy something naughty I'll have it then. Only because Saturday is when my husband usually has a day off and we like to take the kids out or have a treat together. I try to have a small amount of nice things (chocolate mainly!) throughout the week, all within my daily calorie allowance of course.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Cheat day for me is if I go over my calories. I try my best to not do it except for special occasions, like holidays or State Fair (fried things EVERYWHERE!). I have had days where I've gone over unexpectedly, I just log them and watch myself the next day to make sure it doesn't become habit. I've come to the conclusion, for me, that if I don't go over more than once a week, I'll be fine.
  • lovelylightz
    lovelylightz Posts: 139 Member
    I don't agree with " cheat days " you set yourself for failure. " cheat days " for me at least throw me off..I end up binging all day..not knowing when to stop and I continue to just cave just cause. I however agree with rewarding yourself with a " meal " or a " snack " once in a while..but definitely not a day where you cheat all day.
  • Pelamblue
    Pelamblue Posts: 177 Member
    A quote from matt huckle one of the writers of ' mens health '
    'Scheduling cheat meals can help optimise your body's hormone levels to avoid it entering 'starvation' mode and holding onto calories. Your rule: plan two a week and throw away any remaining nasties afterwards '
    There we go people hope this clears away all the bro science
  • splashtree5
    splashtree5 Posts: 210 Member
    I cheat only in one meal and one day a week, i need to cheat with sweets sometimes or pizza
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Pelamblue wrote: »
    A quote from matt huckle one of the writers of ' mens health '
    'Scheduling cheat meals can help optimise your body's hormone levels to avoid it entering 'starvation' mode and holding onto calories. Your rule: plan two a week and throw away any remaining nasties afterwards '
    There we go people hope this clears away all the bro science

    Hope you were being ironic.