Over 200 pounds - Yo-yo weight- only if you can relate...



  • LoriSOWISA
    LoriSOWISA Posts: 17 Member
    i would like friends as well. i am at 204 lbs, and can definitely relate. i am almost 6 feet and would like to be around 165, ideally. please feel free to add me. i fell into the bad habit of gaining all my weight back plus some, then very low carbing, losing some, crashing and bingeing and gaining it all back plus some. i am, as of three days ago, beginning again with moderation, lots of water and counting calories, not carbs. can anyone relate? :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    The whole point of HCG is to change your lifestyle and keep it off by eating high fat/protein and low carb. If you do not keep this up as well as exercise and a healthy mindset, you're obviously going to gain it all back...you don't need to count calories for the rest of your life, but how do you think healthy people stay healthy? they have a healthy lifestyle. If you go back to your old ways, what's the point?
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    Also the HCG injections and the HCG homeopathic drops or tablets are COMPLETELY different things. Do your research before claiming how "unsafe" and "bogus" it is.
  • Kelleyfriday
    Kelleyfriday Posts: 2 Member
    Yo-yo dieting for years. Won't go into the whole story! But most recently I've done hcg and had great results I went from 230-170 and maintained for years. but then I uprooted my life moved changed jobs. And gained it almost all back. I just stopped paying attention to food stopped cooking and ate out. So I'm starting the journey over. :\ I'm at 209 now down ten lbs. The hcg diet is more difficult than ever now. Just mentally. All that hard work! I just love food lol.
  • FarmingCozy
    FarmingCozy Posts: 46 Member
    90to20 wrote: »
    Also the HCG injections and the HCG homeopathic drops or tablets are COMPLETELY different things. Do your research before claiming how "unsafe" and "bogus" it is.

    Here here. I've done HCG and it was only thing that worked and allowed me to see 120lbs on scale. Plus no lie I felt so sexy lol. I felt great maintaining with my new lifestyle exercise and diet change. I could exercise without feeling gross, embarrassed, or frustrated with the lack of progress. I kept the weight off for about 2 years. Then fast forward to job loss and stress I gained it back plus some after starting a new job. Bittersweet for me. I'm trying to do things the "right" way but its proven beyond frustrating and upsetting. The only reason I haven't done HCG again is because its hard to find the "real thing." I think it does depend on the person.
  • FarmingCozy
    FarmingCozy Posts: 46 Member
    My story not quite 200 but I've yo-yo'd my highest I saw on the scale was 170. Tried another form of diet lost 20 gained back 15. Been maintaining between 160 - 167 over the past 5 months. Made a goal to lose 10lbs in two months pffft that didn't happen. Trying to find another diet plan to help me lose...sigh.
  • cathy52461
    cathy52461 Posts: 2 Member
    I can relate to most of you my weight came when I quit smoking and 2 weeks later found out I had breast cancer my husband took very good care of me I started at 149 lbs and that was okay and with all his good cooking and chemo treatments making me tired all the time I hit 202 lbs I am now down to 196.4 but it is very slow because I am a foody and I recently retired from my job to enjoy life and I am doing to much enjoying.LOL
  • KettleTO
    KettleTO Posts: 144 Member
    Two years ago, I hit my lowest adult weight every 168 lbs after after 1.5 years of dieting (down from 236 lbs). It started to creep back on when I stopping logging. Even last summer when I was back up around 190-200 lbs and really active I didn't lose any weight. I then packed it on over the cold winter and now am probably back to 225 lbs. I'm guessing because I'm afraid of the scale. I've started logging again and started riding to work. I've lost weight based on the feel of my pants. I have to face the scale this weekend.

    When you've lost weight and you think "yeah I got this; i can stop logging". let me be the lesson; you probably can't.
  • Cantstopmyshine1993
    Cantstopmyshine1993 Posts: 54 Member
    I can relate! April 2012 I started a diet & by October 2012 I had lost 75 lbs. I was happy where I was but didn't stop. By May 2013 I had lost 10 more pounds. I was 140 pounds. I got pregnant may 2013 & when I delivered feb 2014 I was 180 lbs. I got down to 155 after having him & got pregnant again July 2014 & just had him March 26 2015 & delivered at 197 lbs. I am right now at 170 lbs & working on trying to get back to 140. If you'd like to add me feel free (:
  • cdseverin
    cdseverin Posts: 1 Member
    I am doing hcg right now and I have done many rounds in the past. One stuck. I keep messing up on phase 3 which is the maintenance phase. I have been around 220lbs for years and was 270lbs when I had my son in 2012. I lost 40lbs by doing hcg and kept it off. A few rounds later and I keep sabotaging myself because of Christmas or other holidays. I am committed not to do it again. I want to get under 200lbs so badly!! I want this to give me a kick in the pants to get moving!! I am back up to 239.
    Ps. I am doing hcg prescribed by a dr and filled by a pharmacy.
    I am reaching out for positive support.
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    Me too! You basically just told my story! Plus I am a full time RN. Would you trust a fat nurse? I'm supposed to be promoting health and wellness and I'm not healthy!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Can I relate? I have no less than 8 sizes of clothes in my closet.
  • kintagliata513
    kintagliata513 Posts: 5 Member
    At my heaviest, I was 310... I went up and down for years until I never went down again. This past year I turned 40 and decided to turn my life around. Since January I have lost 43 pounds. I still have 113 to get to my goal. I do not take any type of diet pills or anything, just some vitamins. But I am now strict on clean eating and increasing my protein and fiber intake. Good luck with your journey!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    90to20 wrote: »
    Also the HCG injections and the HCG homeopathic drops or tablets are COMPLETELY different things. Do your research before claiming how "unsafe" and "bogus" it is.


    Yes, they are completely different.

    On one hand, you have real HCG, which is a hormone, and can be quite dangerous, as any hormone introduced from outside of the body can be.

    On the other hand, you have a homeopathic drug, which by definition, means it has literally no active substance in it.

    The commonality between them is the use of a VLCD. A cursory search reveals that the HCG diet is one which can go as low as 500 cal/day, depending on which program you find.

    And so...obviously you lose weight on it. CICO...

    smh 19-year olds giving advice on hormones and VLCD programs...

  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
  • Eldee32
    Eldee32 Posts: 40 Member
    yes i can relate....i started MFP near about 2 months ago and i lose 3.5 kg so far. i have 16 months old son thats why i cant manage time for any workout. i am sure if i do workout it will boost my weight loss. i started gaining weight since i was pregnant with my first son. he is now 8. my present weight is 207 lbs. my first goal is to get back below 200 lbs. if you'd like to add me fell free xx