is mfp excersice burnt calories calculation accurate?



  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Eating half back is one approach to compensate for this.
    That's generally what I do. I think some are more accurate than others (walking slowly, for instance) while others (biking) are kind of insane.
  • NicolleLindgren
    NicolleLindgren Posts: 64 Member
    I have the RunWithMe app on my phone and use that for tracking my calories burned while walking/jogging. It takes into account height, weight, speed, and if you're running uphill. Not as accurate as using a HRM, but I don't have one yet. Still way more accurate (IMO) than MFP. I still use the database for some things if I'm in a hurry, but I don't rely on its accuracy.
  • martides90
    In fact I heard that heart rate is the best way to know how many calories you burnt. Thanks for your comment.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    They don't seem accurate from what I see friends logging. I have a FitBit and I just let that adjust MFP calories.