
I really need motivation I want to lose 100 pounds but I am taking baby steps and setting goals I want to lose 20 by June and it is so hard


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    edited April 2015
    Three things I've learned to accept have given me a much more healthy relationship with food and made it a lot easier for me.

    1. Food doesn't make me happy. I like most other people get a mini rush from eating sweet things. I've come to realise how pointless that mini rush is. I get angry every time I screw up, so why bother screwing up. Yeah eating a donut over my calories might bring me 1 minute of pleasure, is that worth that days work and potentially leading me to overeating even more? No it isn't.

    2. Weight loss is slow. There have been many times I've tried to speed it up by eating less, doing more exercise etc. I find it easiest mentally and physically to not do anything I don't enjoy. For example, I hate cardio and I also hate feeling hungry. There is no point me trying to do an hour of cardio 3 days a week or eating 1700 calories if it's going to lead to me feeling unhappy as that will potentially lead to me binge eating or quitting altogether. I've got my calories set so I don't feel hungry but it's low enough to lose consistently and I do what exercise I enjoy, weight lifting.

    3. Drinking. Especially at my age. I see so many people complaining they can't lose weight, they try everything during the week, intermittent fasting, calorie restrictions, "healthy" eating etc. Then as soon as it hits the weekend they are drinking multiple bottles of vodka. This was me. I would have no less than a 70 at pre drinks, then proceed to drink many vodka and cokes while out and at least one of the nights a kebab or pizza would be eaten as well. Over two days that's at least 4000 calories over from alcohol alone then the pizza or kebab probably 1500-2000. Even with a 1000 calorie deficit Sunday - Thursday that's actually a surplus overall.

    I know drinking in moderation and as long as it fits your calories it's fine but I've found cutting it out to special occasions is one thing that's helped me out a lot.

    Hopefully you get some form of inspiration or find something in that helpful.

    For motivation, just hold onto the thought of a smaller, leaner, healthier you! Every time you want to binge eat think how you are then going to have to wait longer. The less you binge, the quicker you'll lose!

    Good luck :)
  • GymnasticsMommy
    GymnasticsMommy Posts: 80 Member
    I need to lose another 45 lbs to get to my goal weight. I have been setting small goals of 5 lbs a month since Jan and crushing them which feels great. I would love to add you for motivation as I have friends on here but many are in active :) you got this girl! !
  • brownfamily5512
    brownfamily5512 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks to both of you it helps knowing I am not the only one that struggles it is tuff I have tried losing weight in the past and I couldn't stick with it but this time I am going to try my best
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    I would focus less on setting a deadline for losing a certain amount of weight and more on establishing habits of eating to your goals and logging accurately. Those habits will bring you to your destination and they're something that you absolutely can control and congratulate yourself on.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I really need motivation I want to lose 100 pounds but I am taking baby steps and setting goals I want to lose 20 by June and it is so hard

    What exactly are you finding hard?
  • brownfamily5512
    brownfamily5512 Posts: 5 Member
    It is just hard trying to stay motivated to workout