
I have done this whole thing before - I will join MFP, lose weight, then fall off the wagon and break my login streak....then gain some back. I have found that my most successful stretch was when my best friend joined with me and we held each other accountable. I'm looking to add some more friends that can help me by doing the same.

I am 30, 5'9" and 157lbs (currently). At my heaviest, I was 165lbs. Back in December, my friend and I challenged each other to sticking to logging our food/exercise on here every day, and I dropped to 154lbs. I felt great, and loved how I was beginning to look.

When she took a break, I fell off the wagon. I went back up to 157lbs. Not her fault, but I have found that I NEED someone to help me stay accountable. So I'm asking for help here. Please friend me if you are up for providing positive support and a little tough love to make me pick myself up when I fall.

My goal is to be 150lbs or less by July 4th. So I have 2.5 months to drop 7lbs. I want to do that the right way, though. My body fat % is probably 26% right now...I want that to be <=20% by then. So building lean muscle while dropping weight is key here.

I have a job where I travel 2 weeks out of the month. On top of working full time, I am also on the board for a non-profit, do SUP races on weekends, and love team based fitness events. All of that makes my schedule very hectic, and I'm on the road more than I am home. If there is anyone that has tips for sticking to a healthy lifestyle on the road (as in traveling all over the country for work), then I would be extremely appreciative if you would share.

Another goal on this journey - I had quit drinking from 3/15 to 4/17. I didn't have a problem with it, but I just decided to see if I could do it. Not a drop of alcohol - how long could I go. I kept this up even through a vacation with friends in PR. Then fell off the wagon at a bachelorette party this weekend. I felt 1000 times better without the alcohol and want to give it up entirely. Keep me on task for that - provide me support in that goal as well.

Thanks for reading everyone. Even if you don't reach out to friend me, I wish you luck in achieving all of your goals.


  • nfp40uk50
    nfp40uk50 Posts: 23 Member
    Let's be accountabuddies !
    I need to lose 15lbs plus