Ate a ton of crap this weekend...feeling discouraged

Last summer I lost 35 lbs by running 4-6 miles 3x a week and eating less...and it took me 4 months. over the winter i gained 20 of those lbs back (In 4 months! Ugh)...idk what i was thinking, but i just didnt step on the scale, didnt exercise, and ate fast food and junk way too much. But beginning of april i decided to get back on track, lose the weight i gained and more.

I've lost 5 lbs since the beginning of April by being on a 1200-1400 calorie diet, and have started running again, however i don't feel the same motivation that i had last summer. I can only do a mile, or a mile and a half before quitting. I stayed the weekend at my bfs and friday I did ok, only maybe went 1 or 200 calories over what I was supposed to eat. But then saturday we had a ton of taco bell for lunch and KFC for dinner...I woke up this mornign feeling awful but for some reason that didnt stop me from eating some left over the time i was like, well the weekends already ruined so f it.

Now I just feel down...My goal is 130lbs, and I feel like these 25 lbs are going to be hard to lose and one bad weekend is is going to ruin the entire month....Please help me turn this around, before I ruin the entire week by eating bad :( Any advice for what I should do this week to kind of balance the weekend out? And how do I get it out of my head that I haven't ruined all the hard work I did this month?

Also I need advice for staying at my boyfriends house...I usually do every weekend, and I've been bringing healthier food for myself to eat, but I just have no control sometimes and I just give in and we get fast food...I tell him to tell me NO but thats not working haha cause he doesnt like to tell me no.....for some reason it's easier for me to stick to my diet when I'm at home.


  • esmie3
    esmie3 Posts: 15 Member
    How about making a pros and cons list? If you list all the benefits of taking back control vs. not doing so, you may get some of that motivation back. Since my boyfriend and I got together, I gained 60lbs (3 years). I was doing well and was beginning to get into good habits before I met him but I found it too easy to go back to the way things used to be.

    Since I started again early last week, I've continued to remind myself on a daily basis of why I'm doing this.
    • I don't want to have back pain or knee pain anymore.
    • I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.
    • I don't want to dread summer because I'm too well insulated to stand the heat.

    ... and the list goes on. One weekend of getting carried away won't ruin all the work you've done. It's what you do most of the time that makes a difference.

    Good luck!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Take each day separately. So, you went over one day? Log it and move on. I know it's hard to do, but once I learned that, I stopped being upset with myself for screwing up, which would make the next day worse. If you feel you need to balance it, go for an extra walk, but for food, focus on meeting your goal each day. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Beating yourself up for one bad weekend will only make you miserable.

    For your boyfriend's house, take him to the grocery store with you when you get there. Bring a few recipes you want to try and buy what you need for them. If you take the time to actually buy the food before you're hungry, you're less likely to go out since you don't want to waste food you've already paid for. At least, that's our mindset. Nothing wrong with eating out from time to time, but try not to make it fast food. Go fast casual. You still need to watch portions, but it's a little healthier, and if you both like the same thing, you can get one dish and split it.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    One bad weekend will not ruin the month unless you let it. Eat healthy and drink a bit more water to flush the fast food salt. As far as going to your boyfriend, find some great healthy recipes that he might also enjoy and make them for the weekend. Eating Well has a great 3 bean chili recipe with lots of vegetables and very little meat that my husband really likes and he is a pure carnivore.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    Whenever I go over my goal I just accept it. I know that all it means is that it's going to take me a couple of days longer to reach my goal weight. If you make it into a massive deal in your head, and blame yourself and get so down about it you're so much more likely to give up because you feel like you've blown everything. That's really, really not the case. That'll only be the case if you let it get to you and give up.